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I find Dell's half-hearted commitment to Linux as frustrating as everyone else. It took me forever to find the actual link on Dell's site to their Ubuntu offerings (hint: they look exactly like Google AdSense sponsored links and it just says "open-source PCs"). Once you find it (or even if you use the direct link), you are greeted with a warning page about Ubuntu.
With Dell's new Ubuntu offerings, everyone had been wondering how much cheaper, if any, an Ubuntu PC would be compared to a PC with Windows Vista on it. Now that Dell has actually posted their Ubuntu offerings, I've configured some similar PCs on their site and compared them. I'm pleasantly surprised - the Ubuntu machines are noticeably cheaper.
As far as we can tell, on Dell's cumbersome UK website the price of the cheapest Inspiron 1525 with Vista home premium is £359. The same specification machine with Ubuntu is £379.
It would appear that Dell is making life difficult for UK customers who want to buy a Dell PC running Linux. Being a snooping journalist myself, I went to have a look for myself and indeed it is a lot harder to buy a Linux powered Dell than all the hype, fuelled in no small part by the Dell PR machine of course, would lead you to believe.
Imagine how successful Dell's Ubuntu offering could be if just one Dell Ubuntu machine was put in retail stores. If people knew of an alternative to Windows, they would go for it! So what do you say, Dell? Why don't you try to put at least one of your Ubuntu machines offered in retail stores? Please add your support!
Dell’s Inspiron Mini 9 Netbooks running Windows XP and Ubuntu are on sale. But US newspaper advertisements from Dell and Best Buy show Dell’s Windows XP netbooks to be a far better bargain than Dell netbooks with Ubuntu Linux. Here are the details.
If you are in the category trying ambitiously to setup your newly bought DELL XPS M1330 laptop for dual boot with GNU/Linux and ended up screwing up everything and finally Dell MediaDirect stopped working and don't know what to do, probably you've come to the right place, but you have to be ready for one fresh installation.
I took a screen shot of it.. because many of us thought that Dell would put the Ubuntu Machines 2000 pages deep into their site.. and only have it there to appease linux users. In fact, they are putting the Linux boxes on the main page of Dell on the rotating script.
In the US Dell has famously started offering Ubuntu on selected machines as a direct alternative to XP or Vista. Fortunately these machines cost less than their Windows counterparts and that's good, but Dell really should consider moving beyond offering Ubuntu; and here's why.