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Microsoft's patent push has been stimulated by a number of factors including competition and trying to make sure Microsoft's rivals don't get access to key innovations.
Kevin Turner seems to be closely involved in Microsoft's attempt to derail migrations to GNU/Linux (using outright lies and subversive tactics that break competition rules)
According to Microsoft, Google's Android OS is infringing on many of its patents and hence those manufacturers who use Android for their devices owe royalties to Microsoft.
A roundup summarising important developments pertaining to software patents. A LOT has happened since the last post regarding software patents. Here are some reports and developments to be aware of.
Microsoft made waves this week with their GPLv2 contribution of virtualization code. On the other side of the coin, Microsoft continues to take issue with open source vendors over the issue of patents. One vendor that has called on Microsoft to be more open is Red Hat. In a blog post, Red Hat's legal team praised Microsoft's code contribution while asking Microsoft to change its stance on patents.
A couple of days ago we included a link to this exploration of Douglas Goodyear and that connection to Microsoft. We have also been exploring Microsoft’s use of the United States government to push software patents into the European Union.