
A couple of days ago we included a link to this exploration of Douglas Goodyear and that connection to Microsoft. We have also been exploring Microsoft’s use of the United States government to push software patents into the European Union.

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 16 years 42 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 42 weeks ago
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motters's picture


16 years 42 weeks 2 days 5 hours ago


The patent threat

Software patents remain the biggest threat to free software, and a central plank of Microsoft's strategy. Europeans should do whatever they can to ensure that their businesses aren't damaged by such practices.

kiba's picture


16 years 42 weeks 33 min 45 sec ago


There's More to this Patent Threat

The software patent is just a part of a much bigger problem we called the patent system. The historical process of monopolization and the ever expanding power of the patent monopoly power has already destroyed several industries' ability to innovate and thus lower the welfare of society. We ought to resists the monopolists not only in our industry but in other area as well. They're not going to stop lobbying for more economic privileges.

We're at a crossroad here. This situation demand our fullest understanding of economics and the most proper of judgment. Thinking reform that will cut down the patent abuses won't do. We'll have to ask the fundamental questions regarding our patent systems. This involve us asking questions like whether if the patent system can promote innovations and economic prosperity at all. If we don't, than any sort of reform will not solve the problem at all. Even if it have a positive effects, it may be 200-300 years later that we found out that we're right back to where we're started.

Even abolishment of the entire system is a very real(strong, I believe) possibility that we have to consider.

What we decide on this issue will have a very important ramification on the global economy for a long time to come.

So wake up and learn about the debate. The software patent problem is just one part of a larger problem that's increasingly impacting our daily lives.
*Copyright creates monopolies. Copyleft promote the free market.

*"Monopoly corrupts. Absolute monopoly corrupts absolutely"-- http://againstmonopoly.org

Balzac's picture


16 years 41 weeks 6 days 12 hours ago


I agree with widening the scope of the question.

Abolishing the patent system is an idea worthy of consideration. Why not let the market reward innovators rather than an arbitrary bureaucratic process?

I'd like to focus my energy on keeping patents out of software, for a start.

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