AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
The European Court of Justice just rendered a historic decision in the Scarlet Extended case, which is crucial for the future of rights and freedoms on the Internet.
The head of South Africa’s government open source working group, the chief technical officer of the State IT Agency (Sita) and The Shuttleworth Foundation, have laid a complaint with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) against the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) for excluding non-Internet Explorer users from it website.
"Labor’s controversial mandatory internet filter project is an attack on human rights, and Australians should beware of the project and other tyrannical government policies, free software luminary Richard Stallman has said [...] The news comes as Prime Minister Julia Gillard this morning reiterated the Government’s support for the filter project, despite the likely demise of its necessary legi
"On the eve the Olympic Games opening ceremony in Beijing, Reporters Without Borders is today launching a blog about human rights in China during the games and the flip side of the Chinese government’s propaganda..."
SourceCode video on the subject of human rights versus corporate rights, which are a somewhat recent phenomenon
TechRIGHTS wishes to share the following good episode from the show "SourceCode" (2005). The early parts touch on the subject of rights.
"The Human Rights Arts and Film Festival (HRAFF) will be taking place across Australia next month, showcasing engaging content from around the world that will encourage people to create positive change together..."
"The European Parliament adopted a resolution this morning which commits the member states - therefore France - «to avoid adopting measures conflicting with civil liberties and human rights and with the principles of proportionality, effectiveness and dissuasiveness, such as the interruption of Internet access.» This vote proves that the system of graduated response that Nicolas Sarkozy wants Fr
According to Sir Berners Lee, taking care of the "human side" of the web is possible only by creating a new organization different than the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that is also led by Berners Lee himself.
"...In the Free Software and Education conference I attended in Quito, Ecuador last month, I met a most interesting person, GianMarco Schiesaro, who gave a very interesting presentation, entitled: Free Software and Human Rights. I’m not aware that this particular relationship has been investigated many times.