According to major newspapers, starting with the municipal elections of 2008, Brazil’s e-voting machines will use the Linux operating system, to be developed by the technical team of the federal elections tribunal the TSE. According to the TSE’s IT division, the advantages of using Linux in the electronic voting machine are standardization, since it is possible to use this OS in all models of the device, as well as transparency, since this is an open mcchanism in which all the source code is available to the public and can be freely audited. Another advantage is zero cost, because no license fees must be paid.
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Created by komrad 17 years 11 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 11 weeks ago
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17 years 11 weeks 5 days 9 hours ago
Greater transparency increases confidence in electronic voting
I think this is the way to go with electronic voting. If everything is completely open - including the source code - then people can independently verify that the machine is doing what it's supposed to be doing and that there's no foul play going on. There should also be checksums so that the code can be checked against the compiled binaries, and these should feature on whatever reports are produced.