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When Edgar's father fails to return home after venturing out one dark and stormy night, Edgar fears the worst: he has been captured by the evil sorceror who lives in a fortress beyond the forbidden swamp.
The Legend of Edgar has been updated to 0.41. Changes include the fixing of the Golem Boss, the Library map and arrows not falling through the lift after the first Maggot encounter.
The Legend of Edgar has been updated to 0.45. Changes include an updated Library map, switches to reset puzzle blocks and the Boss music now playing correctly.
Added the 2nd Mine map, you can get to it via the Basement.
Added a large number of translations from Google.
Added support for Medals, you will need to register with Parallel Realities to use this feature.
Changed the Ant Lion puzzle
The Legend of Edgar has been updated to 0.25. Changes include
Reduced the number of chickens to catch to 3
Added the Basement map
Fixed health drop chance when using the bow
Selecting an inventory item using the block or interact button will only select it for use rather than using it immediately. Useful for bombs.
Added a tutorial level
Added confirmations to menu options
Fixed / removed broken lift switches in the Village and Mines
Fixed a crash in the Mines
Fixed the robot on the 3rd floor of the Library
Fixed a potential crash when the whirlwinds steal your weapons
The Fire Shield objective cannot be accepted multiple times
Weapons can no longer be permanently lost in the water