I was surprised that ZDNET has publishes an article about "Torvalds: Retirement won't see death of Linux". Don't they know what open source is all about? The great benefit of open source is that it doesn't depend on one supplier whether it is a person, a group or a company.
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17 years 3 weeks 4 days 17 hours ago
This is true. In the closed source model because few people have a detailed knowledge of the inner workings of the software the loss of a key individual can be a show stopper.
The open source projects which fail usually do so because there was never sufficient interest in the first place (too much of niche), or because companies experimenting with open source because it sounded fashionable didn't realise that they wouldn't be able to strictly control every aspect of development in the same way as a proprietary project. In an open source project you have to work within the community, rather than commanding it from above.
17 years 3 weeks 4 days 15 hours ago
Community based development
Community based development model is not the only development option you have in the Free world. You could still do it the old fashion way.
For example, I am developing free software for commercial purpose.
The only difference is that I am committed to guaranteeing my users that they will own the softwares they get from me.
*Copyright creates monopolies. Copyleft creates private properties.
*"Monopoly corrupts. Absolute monopoly corrupts absolutely"-- http://againstmonopoly.org