AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
"Iheaded in to town from the desert this afternoon to gas up and get groceries, and to catch up on all things ODF/OOXML. In scanning my Google Alerts, I ran into this posting by Microsoft's Jason Matusow, himself just in from vacation. In that post, Jason writes as follows:"
So much quarreling about open standards. Jason Matusow advocates for a document format with RAND licensing conditions for the patents. What does he mean when he talks about RAND? RAND stands for "reasonable and non-discriminatory". But Jason Matusow's company Microsoft lacks honesty when it talks about "reasonable and non-discriminatory" conditions.
Those dumb South Africans don’t just get it seems to be Microsoft’s senior director of interoperability’s Jason Matusow message in his blog posting of May 19th.
"There is no question that all over the world the competing interests in the Open XML standardization process are going to use all tactics available to them within the rules." - Microsoft's Director of Corporate Standards Jason Matusow. Well, you have to hand it to Microsoft. They are nothing if not thorough, and leave as little to chance as possible.
"Despite having an open source strategy the South African government doesn't really understand how to benefit from OSS. This is according to Microsoft director of corporate standards, Jason Matusow." Stay tune for more FUD from Microsoft...
Jason Matusow claims that "The next 6 months will be where the rubber really meets the road for the work on Open XML." This is nonsense. The work should have been done back in Ecma, before submission to ISO. Fast Track is not a standards development process.
Microsoft's "Open Source" mole is going back to Microsoft to become the CTO of CodePlex; Microsoft MVP Jason Hiner carries on with Microsoft boosting (without disclosure)
I was talking with my friend, Jason Perlow, yesterday and he told me that I should back off of the free software rants because he feels that I'm entering the gray edges of freakdom. We laughed about it but it made me think: When does a strong belief in something become extremism?
When Jason Perlow reported on last week’s Microsoft Technology Summit, he sought to compliment the company by giving CEO Steve Ballmer a Gorbachev-like birthmark (right).