Many administrators who use Postfixadmin, a web based tool to manage virtual domains on Postfix, would like to secure the transactions between the PostfixAdmin program and the administrator. At the same time often you do not want to add the extra burden of SSL on the whole domain but just want to secure one directory.
Read more »Securing PostfixAdmin –
Spamassassin Whitelists –
Once you have set up Spamassassin so it is working and you have run it for some time you may want to tune it to provide automatic whitelists and blacklists. The whitelist will provide a way to insure that the mail from a particular source will never get rejected.
Read more »Automating Log Statistics –
This tutorial will show you how to set up your log statistics to be mailed to you every night so you know what is happening with your Postfix Mail Server.
Set up a cron job so that it will run at 11:55 PM, just before midnight as you want to get all of the logs for that day. Be sure to give enough time for the script to run before the next day
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Created by mogyweb 16 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 16 weeks ago
Category: High End Tags:
Category: High End Tags:
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