Monty Widenius laments as Oracle begins the process of moving MySQL out of the light and into its proprietary dungeon. Time for a FreeSQL fork?
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FSFLA: Linux kernel is "open core"
Many believe that the Linux kernel is Free Software or Open Source, but it isn't.
Read more »Linux-2.6.36-libre: turning Linux's Free Bait into Free Software
Cyberspace, November 8, 2010—Linux hasn't got any Freer between the Linux-2.6.33-libre announcement, back in March, and the present announcement, that marks the release of Linux-2.6.36-libre. Linux now contains more non-Free Software, and more drivers in its Free core that require separately distributed non-Free Software to function.
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Does “Open Core” Actually Differ from Proprietary Relicensing?
I've been criticized — quite a bit this week, but before that too — for using the term “Open Core” as a shortcut for the phrase “proprietary relicensing that harms software freedom”.
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Divide and Conquer: How Microsoft Fractures Free and Open Source Software, GNU/Linux
Latest examples of Microsoft's strategy, wherein it sends out affiliates to pretend to be FOSS people and then promote software patent deals, separation between Open Source and Free software, departure from the GPL, promotion of "open" core (proprietary) as "Open Source", and demotion of free/libre platforms like GNU/Linux along with free suites/formats like ODF
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Open Core and OSI
Simon Phipps is correct: Open Core is Bad for You, the "you" here being you and me, end users: The open core model exploits open source and is a game on software freedom. The fact the game is played does not invalidate software freedom, but it suggests we need to revisit definitions and make the game harder to play.
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Free Software Foundation Daemonised for Resisting Non-Free(dom) Software
Open Core proponent compares the FSF to religion as means of daemonisation and Jason Perlow does this by showing a humourous photo from Linus Torvalds, then throwing in another insult at Richard Stallman
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Mono, Open Core, and Other Bizarre Forms of Open Source
Why Mono fits the description of Open Core, which may make it "the New Shareware"
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“Open Core” Is the New Shareware
Ultimately, “Open Core” is a glorified shareware situation. As a user, you get some subset of functionality, and may even get the four freedoms with regard to that subset. But, when you want the “good stuff”, you've got to take a proprietary license. And, this is true whether the Core is GPL'd or permissively licensed.
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Open Core: The worst of both worlds
However, I think that most them are missing the elephant in the room: Open core is not sustainable in the long term because it represents the worst of both worlds. Open core tries to find a middle ground between proprietary software and free software, but it reaps the benefits of neither and inherits the problems of both.
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