linux training


The Cloud Server for Linux Training

I wreck servers on a regular basis. Yep, I build and wreck multiple servers every day. As a Linux trainer I am always demonstrating how to build Linux servers in class and then blowing them away. Did it today, built an Ubuntu 10.04 server with Postfix and added the UFW firewall settings, mutt, changed the DNS to get mail going and even, made an image of that server and blew it all away.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 14 years 5 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux Consulting: Seeing the Bigger Picture

Linux consulting should provide a bigger picture for the client so they better understand the implications of choices they make. This aspect means that as a consultant you need also to train the client so they best understand the situation.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 14 years 23 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Business   Tags:

Evaluating On-Site Linux Training Classes

On-Site training for Linux needs to be evaluated on a regular basis to make the communication effective and content relative to student needs. This can be done using this three step process.

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Created by aweber 14 years 40 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 40 weeks ago
Category: Business   Tags:

Setting The Tone During On-site Linux Training Classes

The first day of a Linux training situation sets the tone for the rest of the class. With on-site Linux training this is especially important as you are working with people face to face and you need to demonstrate Linux content as well as the ability to communicate.

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Created by aweber 14 years 42 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 42 weeks ago
Category: Business   Tags:

Instructors Guide: Traveling to On-Site Training

Traveling to on-site Linux training classes is one of the many challenges that presents it self when doing on-site Linux training.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 14 years 43 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Business   Tags:

Mini-Course: Manage Users with Quotas

The quotas mini-course is designed to help you implement quotas for users and groups. Quotas are a way to guarantee resources for your users. The guarantee of resources to your users is fundamental to good system administration. When users run out of space there is always trouble and you can be sure as administrator that trouble will be pointed at you.

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Created by aweber 14 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 51 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Importance of Labs in Linux Training

Labs are step-by-step exercises that students can perform to learn how to perform a task. Labs can also provide the aspect of experience if it is repeatedly done, which creates confidence.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 15 years 1 week ago – Made popular 15 years 1 week ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux in The Virtual Classroom

The virtual classroom is the future for Linux Training. As Linux grows and and more companies need Linux Server Training the virtual classroom will gain more acceptance based on the advantages that a company can create using virtual training.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 15 years 4 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 3 weeks ago
Category: Industry   Tags:

10 Years of Linux Training

Linux training has changed a lot in the last 10 years. I have put together a summary of the training options and styles we have provided over that period of time. Many things have changed of course and now with as little as 3% of computer users running Linux on a regular basis, training is really in an infant state. The question is: “Where is Linux training headed?”

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 15 years 6 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Industry   Tags:

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