"...That verbosity brings to mind the common complaint about XML, which is that it’s really Lisp syntax with angle brackets and a bunch of stuff inside them. Consequently Lisp is a natural way to deal with XML.
Read more »On "Custom XML" (and why nobody should care)
I see that Microsoft lost an appeal in the "Custom XML" litigation, and may be forced to disable that functionality in Microsoft Office. This is a short backgrounder explaining what "Custom XML" is about, and why nobody should care.
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Microsoft Word sale prohibited as of Jan. 11
Microsoft was issued a permanent injunction against selling Microsoft Word products due to a patent infringement dispute with a Canadian company called i4i.
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FSFE Fellowship Interview with Leif-Jöran Olsson
Leif-Jöran Olsson is a language technologist and XML enthusiast with a long history in the Swedish solidarity movement. I sat down for an interview with Leif-Jöran and asked him about his background, his education and the various projects he’s been involved in.
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Microsoft embarrassed by new XML patent email
Microsoft knew of the patent held by i4i as early as 2001, but instead set out to make the Canadian developer's software "obsolete" by adding a feature to Word, according to court documents.
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Microsoft Hostility Towards XML Expands to Hostility Towards HTML
Microsoft is looking to repossess documents by harming ODF, PDF, and HTML, using patents, FUD, RAND, and Silverlight
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XML Patent for Microsoft
The core of US Patent 7,571,169 which Microsoft was granted on August 4th refers to – "A word-processing document stored in a single XML file that may be manipulated by applications that understand XML".
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Seven OWL 2 Drafts Published
"2008-10-09: The OWL Working Group published seven documents yesterday relating to the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. OWL 2 extends OWL, a core standard of the Semantic Web, adding new features that users have requested and that software providers are prepared to implement. The documents are: ..."
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xmldiff patches XML files by sending just the changes
The GNU diff and patch utilities let you compare files to generate a patch that describes the changes between files. You can then apply the patch file on that machine or another. You might think to use diff and patch on XML files, since they are just text files -- and depending on your application, diff and patch might serve your needs well.
Read more »What's next for OOXML?
Now that Microsoft's attempt to ramrod its semi-open OOXML standard through the ISO standards body has fallen short, writes Bernard Golden, what happens next? Strangely, he says, Microsoft appears to be soft-pedaling its own standard.
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Scribe (Back To The Future according to Douglas Crockford?)
JSON is a data interchange format specified by Douglas Crockford, an alternative to XML. So, it seems to me that it's useful to know his point of view about SGML syntax compared to Scrib. Remain to know if the Web would have been different from that which we know if TBL had chosen Scrib instead of SGML for HTML syntax.
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