As Linux sysadmins, many of us still need to deal with Windows worms and how they affect our networks. Tomorrow is April 1st, and the Conficker worm will be activating on vulnerable computers everywhere. Here's a quick HOW-TO showing how you can detect compromised and/or vulnerable computers on your network
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Windows in hospitals... a bad combination
I really cannot understand why hospitals, who ultimately deal with human lives are allowed to use MS-Windows on their networks. Even a simple delay in looking up if a person has a allergy for a given drug can prove to be fatal.
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Malware on GNU/Linux
GNU/Linux users should not have any false sense of security just based on the fact that viruses designed for exclusively for windows won't run on GNU/Linux. Here is a list of "Linux computer viruses"
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Can we afford not to give our kids Linux?
For any parent, myself included, setting your kids loose on the net is a daunting prospect. We have to do it because the net is a fact of life - it's in our schools, the workplace, public libraries and in many if not most homes of the developed world. Therefore, do we really have any option but to give them Linux?
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The end of Windows, or a security expert gives up
Security expert Bruce Schneier today wrote about the “Storm Worm” again. Go and read it and become very afraid if you are running the Windows operating system. Become even more afraid if you are responsible for a bunch of them, like in a company. And then get a clue and morph them all into something better, like installing any of the Linux/Unix/BSD variants.
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Open source: New target of malware?
The recent OpenOffice worm may be a sign that malware writers are starting to target the increasingly popular open-source software, industry experts say.
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