Is your organization in the process of migrating from Microsoft Word to on Linux? If so, your biggest obstacle may not be getting used to the new suite, but rather moving from Microsoft's proprietary .doc format to OpenOffice's Open Document Format (ODF).
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SUPERGUIDE: The Open Source Challenge. How to replace Windows completely with Ubuntu.
We all know how far open source software has progressed, but has it come so far to not only challenge Windows, but replace it? Can you really install Linux and open source software in place of Windows, and want for nothing?
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Cuba is preparing to quit Windows and avoid Microsoft
It’s a measure aimed at breaking the dependence on programs that are under the control of US owners and also anticipating any claims by the patent’s owners for the use of this system in Cuba.
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Avoid Windows Vista anti-piracy shenanigans by using BSD, OpenSolaris or Linux.
Today I was reading about the “Reduced Functionality” capability of Windows Vista. According to that article, Microsoft has now enabled this capability, which renders a “nongenuine” copy of Windows essentially unusable.
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Vietnam Government switches 20,000 machines to OOo
More than 20,000 computers from Party offices nationwide will switch to using OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office from early 2008. The Central Party’s Office is taking advice from enterprises for the project.
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Three steps to a full Windows-to-Linux migration
So you're switching from Windows to Linux? Great. Like other users and organisations who've taken the plunge, it's likely you're making the move to take advantage of Linux's stability and reliance on open standards. Now all you have to do is prepare carefully for your move.
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Linux at the Library?
Geneva Public Library switches from Windows to Ubuntu after MS drops support for Windows 98
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Inertia the obstacle to Linux on the desktop
The Year of the Linux desktop may never come. Instead, there will continue to be significant encroachment into the territory that Microsoft believes to be its own. This will happen for all the reasons you might expect. Linux is cheaper and more versatile and secure than the alternatives, and most of the arguments for not installing Linux don't hold much water.
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German universities migrate to Linux
Around 560,000 German students plus thousands of staff at 33 German universities will now be supported by Linux systems from Novell.
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Migrating from Windows to Linux: the gentle guide
Linux has long been held in mystique as an operating system for hard-core techies or hackers. Yet, this is far from true for today’s distros. A modern version of Linux is as easy to setup and use as the Macintosh is legendary for. Here’s reasons why people stick to Windows and how those factors can be solved in what we like to call a ‘gentle’ approach to Linux.
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Second-rate Vista has Windows fans looking to Linux
Yes, that's right. A loyal Windows user of more than 15-years is throwing in the towel on Vista. You can read his story for why he finds Vista so annoying, but I'll sum it up for you: Vista sucks.
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Why people don't switch operating systems
I was a bit amazed last week to note that someone who wrote that the continued piracy of Windows was affecting the spread of Linux on the desktop was described as raising an "unusual" argument. No guessing where this kind of non-logic gained its mileage - it appeared on the site that provides "news for nerds, stuff that matters."
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Making My Grandparents Leet Linux Users - Part 1
It was time for a new computer for my Grandparents. Their ancient Windows 98 PC had become so slow that it was unusable. The replacement, an inexpensive Acer PC, came with Windows Vista preinstalled. It was up to me to set up the new computer and support it. So I decided to wipe out Vista with a Debian 4 base install and set up an easy to use environment for my Grandparents.
Read more »50 Reasons to Dump Windows
I wanted to write 5 reasons to dump windows over linux, but soon I was so overwhelmed by rush of reasons that I could find, that I ended up making a list of 50 reasons.
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Time for a switch?
Linux is powerful, easy to use and free. Naturally, it’s becoming the Operating System of choice for many internet aficionados.
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