

Fedora 10 regains Linux fans

In 2007, Fedora, Red Hat's community Linux distribution, hit an all-time low. Two years later though, Paul Frields, Fedora project leader, declares that there has been "a major up-tick in Fedora involvement over the last 6 months.

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Created by jefe 15 years 27 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 27 weeks ago
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The Free Software hardliner, the corporation, and the shotgun wedding

We called it Free Software at first. It wasn't until we started calling it Open Source that the punditry line counts began creeping up higher than the code line counts. We had this baby and we were proud of it, and the deep rooted insecurity born of being the ridiculed and utterly misunderstood underdogs made us require the approval of business and Grandma Bessie before we could ourselves be satisfied.

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