The idea of integrating online services, especially the sort that are (poorly, IMHO) referred to as "cloud computing", is met with resistance by some. Here are my thoughts as they currently stand on what those commitments should be for a service to be considered "Free as in Freedom":
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Free games, free software--it's all good
It seems that some video game companies are beginning to change their business model based on products for another based on services.
"Relating this idea to open source, I can see a time when SugarCRM, JasperSoft, OpenBravo, etc., offer to certify third-party, community add-ons for a fee."
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KOfficeSource - professional KOffice and ODF services
KOfficeSource GmbH will offer professional services around the open source OpenDocument-based KOffice office suite. KOfficeSource GmbH will allow KOffice to be used in companies and organizations that demand high quality support and training for OpenDocument deployment. KOfficeSource GmbH will initially offer the following services to the market: migration and conversion to OpenDocument, consulting around the OpenDocument Format, training on OpenDocument and KOffice, customization of KOffice, custom programming.
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