«Next person to watch the Emacs Starter Kit on Github gets to be #1024: http://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit It could be you!»
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The best way to switch to GNU Systems: Navigating Your Projects in Emacs
"...The first thing I tried was a method called find-file-in-project. It was originally implemented by Phil Hagelberg as part of his “Another Ruby on Rails Mode” (arorem) and then also ported over to the current Rinari Is Not a Rails IDE. Basically, it indexes all the files in a “project” and then provides a nice interactive completing read to switch between them..."
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Integrating package.el & Packaging on Emacs
«...I've just implemented support for multiple package sources in package.el. Right now it is preconfigured to use ELPA, but the following snippet will let it pull in packages from my own archive source as well...» — via Phil Hagelberg —
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Five Questions With Dion Almaer - Co-Creator Of Mozilla Bespin
"Dion Almaer is a name you will find 80,700 results for when searching on Google, so it is clear that people know how Dion Almaer is however, let's kick this interview of with, like the shower scene in a slasher movie, the obligatory first question, who is Dion Almaer? ..." --
Read more »in which codes are peeped at, in clojure
"I'm very proud to announce the release of my latest project, Functional Programming with Clojure, a PeepCode screencast created with Geoffrey Grosenbach. We were lucky to have Rich Hickey, the creator of Clojure do the technical review..."
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Meet Emacs: in which a peepcode is released
"Well, it's finally out! I'm proud to announce that the Peepcode screencast I mentioned earlier has been released and is available for download at peepcode.com ..." (available in Ogg format)
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Emacs Starter Kit, created November 18, 2008
"This should provide a saner set of defaults than you get normally with Emacs. It’s intended for beginners, but it should provide a reasonable working environment for anyone using Emacs..."
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rubyconf the eighth
"I'm back in Seattle after an excellent RubyConf in Orlando, FL. These events are always a treat, and this year's was no exception. Last year the dominant theme was alternate implementations, and this time around it has become an ingrained assumption rather than something that needed to be stated.
Read more »Ruby bundled into Emacs ?
* Eric Schulte: « My impression is that it is difficult to get Matz's attention for emacs related queries, e.g. signing FSF papers. » --
* Phil Hagelberg: « Sad but true. I may be able to get him to sign the papers at RubyConf, but by then it will probably be too late for inclusion in Emacs 23. »
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Learning and Mastering Ruby on Rails on GNU/Linux and chosing Emacs, the perfect IDE
Much thanks to Phil Hagelberg for its technomancy.git project. You can get it from its git repo and study the code...
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