

Microsoft’s Weapon Against Google: A Lot of GNU/Linux, Apparently


It is no secret that Microsoft uses a lot of GNU/Linux in house and we covered some examples of this in the past. Even just a week ago Microsoft acquired yet another company (Forecast) for over 100 million dollars and that company has merely everything based on Free software, including GNU/Linux. It brags about it in its Web site.

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 16 years 20 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 20 weeks ago
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For Me, It’s Linux, Not GNU/Linux


This guy thinks that the "GNU" part of the term GNU/Linux is derived from the GNU GPL being the license used for the software. Yes he's confused. I'm posting it here so FSDaily people can go and comment.

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sharkswithlazers's picture
Created by sharkswithlazers 16 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 21 weeks ago
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Why Open Source Software Developers are Good Marketers


I have been trying to digest two unrelated stories from last week. The first was the report by the Standish Group on the $60 Billion dollars open source is purported to be costing the proprietary software industry. The second was Steve Reubel’s, “The Web 2.0 World is Skunk Drunk on Its Own Kool-Aid“. As I looked introspectively into these stories I wondered how relevant they were.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 16 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 21 weeks ago
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New Sightings of Microsoft Sucking Up to FOSS Developers, Hiring Them


The OSA was mentioned yesterday in order to show that Microsoft leaves no stone unturned in its battle against GNU/Linux, the GPL, and Free software (not the same as “Open Source”, especially amidst malicious deformation).

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 16 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 21 weeks ago
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I've been using Debian Lenny a lot -- and it works.


I'm hammering away in Debian Lenny right now, and I can pretty much say that it does what I need it to do.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 16 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 21 weeks ago
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Do we need to call GNU os as GNU/Linux


"No. I think we should not call GNU as GNU/Linux. The Debian GNU system that i have has 1000s of programs. In those i am daily used 10-15 programs. Its inconvenient to say GNU/Linux/Abiword/gnumeric/mysql/gtkmm/…. So i like to call it simply GNU. Linux kernel is an important work But it Just another program ..."

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 16 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 21 weeks ago
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Why Schools Must Embrace ODF and FOSS; Healthy Boost for KOffice and OpenDocument Format


The growth of Free software cannot truly be measured. This is a marketing problem that we highlighted in the past, the focus being GNU/Linux. To shed some light on the growth of OpenOffice.org in Europe, consider the following new post.

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mads's picture
Created by mads 16 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Ubuntu has won the distro wars; now onto the desktop wars


Basically, Novell and Red Hat won’t be trying to get consumer desktop market share, focusing instead only on the ‘enterprise’ desktop market; Fedora and openSUSE thus appear to be relegated to ‘hobbyist OS’ level. Ubuntu is now THE distro of choice for home use, with no major competitors, but I think we’ve known that for some time:

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mark's picture
Created by mark 16 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 21 weeks ago
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Linux is Good for the Elderly


I recently asked my father (he’s in his eighties and has been using Linux for about 6 years now) how he felt about Linux and what were some of his opinions. I asked if he could share his thoughts with the Linux community. These are his words, emailed yesterday.spacer_gif Linux is Good for the Elderly

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anna's picture
Created by anna 16 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 22 weeks ago
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Alex Brown: OOXML is like a baroque castle with secret passages and crumbling towers


Here's a quotation for the ages, from an Alex Brown comment on Andrew Updegrove's Standards Blog (scroll down) asking Brown if he'd agree that ODF was cleaner than OOXML:

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Drigg (the pligg alternative) vs. Pligg: why should people switch?


As some of you already know, I am the main developer for Drigg. I donated probably more than 1000 hours of my life to the Drigg project, because I believed in it. After reviewing existing CMSs out there, I believe that Drigg is the best system available today for people who want to create Digg-like sites (but, in fact, when people deploy Drigg they get fully functional Drupal sites…!).

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dave's picture
Created by dave 16 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 22 weeks ago
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Broken Windows Can't Be Fixed


It's the problem of legacy and Microsoft's ridiculous integration strategy. Windows is a fat client for a thin world. There's no future place for the desktop client. Computing is shifting from the desktop to the device and server. Windows, particularly Vista, has too much middle-age girth to dance with the lithely crowd.

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greengrass's picture
Created by greengrass 16 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 22 weeks ago
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Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies: Linspire "Fact Sheet" Coming Soon


After failing to get any response from Linspire as to why they are not holding annual shareholder meetings, I asked them publicly to do so in my last blog, in a hopes that pressure from customers, partners and shareholders would encourage them to do the right thing. I hold a fairly large amount of Linspire stock, but I remain in a minority position with about 100 other shareholders.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 16 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Business   Tags:

Free software is not politics: petitions for the Italian elections


I have been saying this for many years: free software must not be associated with an ideology or political party.

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extra's picture
Created by extra 16 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Can Linux Be This Good?


After using computers for over twenty five years, I was suddenly struck by the thought that I do not know what to do with a fully functioning, uncrashable, secure and attractive operating system. For me a computer has always been a toy, something to be played with and tweaked to squeeze out every possible advantage.

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missgeek's picture
Created by missgeek 16 years 23 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 23 weeks ago
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Best karma users