

Sun Versus Linux: The x86 Smack-down


Sun has really shifted gears lately with regards to Solaris, SPARC, and x86. For many years, Sun seemed to relegate Solaris x86 to the status of red-headed stepchild, undeserving of attention, nurturing, and support.

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switchpin's picture
Created by switchpin 15 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 51 weeks ago
Category: Business   Tags:

Top 20 Linux websites


Another blog entry about top Linux sites that doesn't include FSDaily.

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C733tus's picture
Created by C733tus 15 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 51 weeks ago
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The open source principles of participation


One of the greatest and most destructive beliefs in the open source community is that "Because I'm not a programmer, I can't participate in an open source project." Let me be the first to tell you that if you believe that, you're wrong. Dead wrong. Why? Well let me explain.

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mads's picture
Created by mads 15 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 51 weeks ago
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Microsoft’s Biggest Weakness


In many ways, Microsoft has little to worry about, at least not for now. Sure, they are losing market share steadily, but for their lead to be toppled it would take years and years, or would it?

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higrade2's picture
Created by higrade2 15 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 51 weeks ago
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Copyleft has no impact on project activity?!


Recently, I collected some data from Sourceforge, hoping to find evidence for the importance of copyleft. But I found something surprising: although there's plenty of evidence that many developers believe in the power of copyleft, the one measure I could derive of how much copyleft actually works showed that copyleft made no difference whatsoever!

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snotbutter's picture
Created by snotbutter 15 years 52 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 52 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

Linux: has the horse bolted?


Richard Stallman wants to popularise the term GNU/Linux instead of using the currently popular term Linux. He correctly states that the term Linux, besides being thoroughly inaccurate, totally fails to introduce new users to the legal and philosophical concepts that underlie the basis of the GNU/Linux OS; but is it feasible to make such a change at this late stage?

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snotbutter's picture
Created by snotbutter 16 years 8 min ago – Made popular 15 years 52 weeks ago
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Red Hat - Free Software done horribly wrong


In my corporate job we try to employ Debian whenever possible. We use it on our servers. I push for it as the default on the desktops. We sell services and software based around Debian servers.

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bluecheese's picture
Created by bluecheese 16 years 3 hours ago – Made popular 15 years 52 weeks ago
Category: Business   Tags:

Bill and Jerry, Chrome and the Next Linux Generation


Some Linux bloggers spent the week kicking around ideas for attracting the next generation of computer users to Linux, while others were simply distracted by the nonsensical commercial Microsoft put out on Thursday featuring highly paid spokesperson Jerry Seinfeld.

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mark's picture
Created by mark 16 years 1 day ago – Made popular 16 years 22 hours ago
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The way that will bring more users to GNU/Linux


How the documentation is important to the GNU/Linux world? Why we need a documentation? Basically this is crucial point for any project. The documentation is something like a gate to the project, new users go through that gate to enter in the project and if that gate is broken the user could go in the wrong direction.

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mark's picture
Created by mark 16 years 2 days ago – Made popular 16 years 1 day ago
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Reject Closed Source Mathematical and Scientific Programs


There’s been something that’s been bothering me for quite some time, so I think I’ll climb up on my soapbox for a bit here.

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extra's picture
Created by extra 16 years 3 days ago – Made popular 16 years 2 days ago
Category: Industry   Tags:

Building Trust in Linux Distributions


Opinion: When running a Linux system, a user relies on the creator of the Linux distribution to provide them with a stable, fast, secure and bug-free experience. But given the experience of recent weeks, it may be worth considering how that user makes sure that's what they get.

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switchpin's picture
Created by switchpin 16 years 3 days ago – Made popular 16 years 2 days ago
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Linux in U.S. Schools: Why the Resistance?


“Software alternatives are just not available for Linux.” I hear the statement above almost everyday. What makes the statement so ridiculous is that it is completely inaccurate 99 percent of the time.

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bridget's picture
Created by bridget 16 years 4 days ago – Made popular 16 years 4 days ago
Category: Industry   Tags:

Selling GNU/Linux in a box


Eight years ago, computer stores stocked a choice of GNU/Linux distributions -- established ones like Caldera, Red Hat, and SUSE, and newcomers like Corel, Progeny, and Stormix.

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goofy's picture
Created by goofy 16 years 5 days ago – Made popular 16 years 4 days ago
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Six impossible things before breakfast


Most of the assumptions on which our present economic system is based are based on nothing much better than “conventional wisdom”: which is a fancy way of saying “no basis at all, really, it just sounds plausible”. But sometimes conventional wisdom is wrong, and that’s what this series has been about: six things that ought to be impossible if conventional wisdom were correct.

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snotbutter's picture
Created by snotbutter 16 years 5 days ago – Made popular 16 years 5 days ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:

Google's Chrome, Mozilla, Explorer, rendering engines: let the war begin


Chrome is in fact a reference to the imminent release of Google’s entry into the browser market. Apparently, the launch was accidentally “leaked” by a Google employee who was a little piggy fingered with the send button on his e-mail client.

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snotbutter's picture
Created by snotbutter 16 years 5 days ago – Made popular 16 years 4 days ago
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Best karma users