

Why Microsoft has chosen to go after Linux now


A couple of months back, at Australia's national Linux conference, a young Microsoft employee sat down with me and discussed ways in which Microsoft has contributed to open source.

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industrialmachine's picture
Created by industrialmachine 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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Good Linux Users Don’t Talk About Microsoft


Is it all too typical on the internet to hear a Linux user go full-on zealot style and say, "YEAH! I use Linux! F**k Microsoft! You people are sheeple! Down with the status quo!" Blah, blah, blah, frickin’ blah.

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FamilyGuy's picture
Created by FamilyGuy 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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Dvorak Likes Linux Now, More Will Soon


John Dvorak, a well known PC Mag columnist and cranky geek, announced today that Ubuntu 8.10 is "a winner." Even the cranky geek likes Linux? It must be great. It is, and that's why we'll be seeing a lot more of this soon.

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prakash's picture
Created by prakash 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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Novell's SUSE Linux futures


Novell is in trouble. As Novell CFO Dana Russell said during the recent earnings call, "Our Linux business is dependent on large deals, which may result in some fluctuations of our quarterly invoicing. Moving ahead, Novell plans on reducing the prices of its products.

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chen's picture
Created by chen 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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The rush to Ext4: What's the hurry?


This is somewhat of a simple observation on my part, but one of the things I've noticed of late is how the cry for Ext4 is growing, and fast. Sure, recent benchmarks make it look like the ultimate solution. But I don't recommend moving to the Ext4 file system just yet.

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jeff2007's picture
Created by jeff2007 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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Im worried about Gnome


Gnome has been doing some worrying things recently, firstly we have the whole new notifications debacle, it shows the rifts that can be caused by one little thing in gnome, I hold the opinion that its “only notifications” and am worried how easily the little things get turned into big issues.

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animal's picture
Created by animal 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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Ubuntu: Community for Human beings


The ubuntu community is one of the most enjoyable I’ve ever been a part of, it has a much more diverse set of people and ideas than other development communities, but retains a strict sense of community and togetherness.

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the_borg10001101's picture
Created by the_borg10001101 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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In defence of Ubuntu against old school hackers


I have been using Ubuntu since version 5.04 came out. And let me add, this is the damnest Linux distro out there today !! I was a Debian devotee but after 4 years of Ubuntu, now I am a born-again Ubuntu convert.

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aditiseth's picture
Created by aditiseth 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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My Experiences With Kubuntu 9.04 So Far


Kubuntu 9.04 is due out in April, and as always, I couldn’t help but to start testing it early and get a good look at what we will be expecting come release day. I’ve been using Jaunty for a little over a month now, and I thought I’d share some of my experiences. In summary, if things keep going the way they are now, Jaunty will be the one to watch out for this year.

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KDEmon's picture
Created by KDEmon 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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Shuttleworth Says Linux is a Joke


Linux is a joke. Well, that may be a bit harsh, but Ubuntu certainly seems to be all the excuse founder Mark Shuttleworth needs to make one bad pun after another. In a recent e-mail introducing Karmic Koala, the Ubuntu release slated for late 2009, and his plans for cloud computing this is what he had to say

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MrSnippity's picture
Created by MrSnippity 15 years 26 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
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Linux.com: A Promising Community Portal for Linux


There are a lot of Linux portals out there, but, until now, none of them have really seemed like the right central source for Linux information. This isn't to say there aren't great Linux websites out there, but many of them are of a different kind. This website, for example, is primarily focused on news. What has been missing is a community-powered portal for Linux.

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5t3v3n's picture
Created by 5t3v3n 15 years 26 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 26 weeks ago
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Memo to Mark Shuttleworth: Don’t Settle for Ubuntu Linux Desktops


Dear Mark: You've made Ubuntu the most popular Linux distribution on desktops. You've established a footprint on notebooks and netbooks. But a lot of people wonder why you're marching Canonical - and Ubuntu - in new directions like the server. Don't listen to your critics. Keep marching upward. Here's why.

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bythicalmeast's picture
Created by bythicalmeast 15 years 26 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 26 weeks ago
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Linux the cool factor


I have a bunch of designers at my job, and they all carry around an apple. No not the fruit, you know the vastly overpriced and over-hyped electronics brand. These guys think they are so cool. While Linux is actually a lot cooler then apple, it's not perceived by enough people as being cool.

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Formaxx's picture
Created by Formaxx 15 years 26 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 26 weeks ago
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5 Minutes of SimplyMepis 8.0.00


When I installed Fedora from the Live CD and found it to be incredibly slow, then I booted the Knoppix 6.0.1 CD, and it was outrageously fast. But now after trying SimplyMepis, I am forced to conclude that the Fedora really does suck.

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lmfao's picture
Created by lmfao 15 years 26 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 26 weeks ago
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10 reasons why Linux isn't triumphing over Windows


In a recent article, Jack Wallen built a case for the ascendancy of Linux over Windows. Now Kris Littlejohn steps up to argue the converse.

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john.brubrick's picture
Created by john.brubrick 15 years 26 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 26 weeks ago
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Best karma users