I sometimes hear it said that formats like OOXML, or ODF for that matter, are simply XML serializations of a particular application's native data representation. This is said, seemingly, in an attempt to justify quirky or outright infelicitous representations. "We had no choice. Office 95 represents line widths in units of 1/5th of a barleycorn, so OOXML must as well". This technological determinism indicates poor engineering judgment, laziness, or both.
Read more »Red Hat Opposes OOXML
As the March 29th voting deadline on OOXML approaches, Red Hat has announced its support of Open Document Format (ODF) instead of Office Open XML (OOXML).
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OOXML Implementations: A Community of One?
The ODFalliance.org now has a new OOXML Resource Section. Bellow you will find the complete text from “OOXML Implementations: A Community of One”. If anything, the ODF Alliance analysis is too charitable. OOXML is NOT CLOSE TO a community of one. Documents produced by Microsoft Office 2007 are not OOXML (Ecma 376), DIS 29500, or even DIS 29500 as amended at the BRM.
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OOXML: Standards for accepting standards
After the Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) of the International Standards Organisation (ISO) failed to resolve the differences around Microsoft's proposed OOXML standard, what happens next?
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Microsoft's Open Specification Promise: No Assurance for GPL
There has been much discussion in the free software community and in the press about the inadequacy of Microsoft's Office Open XML (OOXML) as a standard, including good analysis of some of the shortcomings of Microsoft's Open Specification Promise (OSP), a promise that is supposed to protect projects from patent risk.
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US gives thumbs up to OOXML for ISO standard
The US delegation to the International Standards Organisation (ISO) has voted to maintain its “Approve” recommendation for Microsoft’s Office Open XML (OOXML) to be adopted by the body.
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Australia stalls OOXML vote as NZ scratches head
With the countdown on to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ballot on OOXML, Australia and New Zealand's representatives are keeping their cards close to their chests on which way they will vote.
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Strike One Against Microsoft
In our last blog posted on February 21, I proposed three test pitches for Microsoft to help judge the meaningfulness of its latest efforts to turn over a new leaf on interoperability. The first of these was to embrace the extant, multi-vendor ISO standard, ODF (Open Document Format) in lieu of its single vendor dominated efforts to create a new standard, OOXML (Office Open XML).
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What's in a label? ODF vs. OOXML and Open Standards
The OSI adopted a mandate of working on Open Standards two years ago. We put forward a statement on requirements for an Open Standard which boiled down to a simple proposition: if the standard could not be implemented fully and faithfully in Open Source, the standard should never be declared nor considered open.
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Rubber-stamping of OOXML raises concerns
Critics have reacted angrily after most of the proposed changes to a draft standard for Microsoft's Open Office (XML) standard were waved through at an ISO meeting last week in Geneva.
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Microsoft May Have Bribed India for OOXML Pressure
Back in August we warned that Microsoft had just made a very suspicious donation at a very strategic time. It only days before the September vote on OOXML. The article which was cited at the time has vanished, but you can find a copy here...
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OOXML Fails to Get Majority Approval at BRM - Updated 2Xs
Andy Updegrove has the results in detail here, including a breakdown of the votes. Basically, there were too many proposed changes to be able to cover them in the BRM, so they tried a workaround, but the upshot is ... it's a mess.
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Microsoft Strategies: Using NGOs to Push Agendas
The extent to which Microsoft can go in its efforts to get OOXML is interesting. Microsoft has "persuaded" several non-profit organizations to bombard the Indian IT Secretary and the Additional Director General of the Bureau of Indian Standards with letters supporting its OOXML proposal.
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Google urges ISO to give thumbs-down to Microsoft Open XML
The head of Google's open-source programs on Monday urged international delegates to vote against certifying Office Open XML as an ISO standard, saying the Microsoft-led effort poses a risk to users who want unfettered access to documents.
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Standards Australia denies OOXML bias
Following a Computerworld report on the appointment of a Microsoft consultant as part of Standard Australia's (SA) delegation for this month's Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) in Geneva, the organization's CEO has defended the objectivity of the decision.
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