While the news that Microsoft is developing a version of Windows for the so-called "$100 laptop" has caused some consternation, the head of the One Laptop per Child project has said the scheme could not promote openness if it blocked Windows.
Read more »Negroponte: Windows key to OLPC philosophy
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OLPC looks for manufacturing scale, targets deep-pocketed donors
The One Laptop Per Child Foundation is now targeting deep-pocketed donors for its OLPC XO laptop. A new initiative launched by the group is actively looking for charitable foundations, not-for-profit organizations, and wealthy philanthropists to give the OLPC XO a boost.
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On Education, Innovation, OLPC, And Open-Source
I used one of the new OLPC machines last week while attending the K12 Open Minds Conference for 2007 (k12openminds07) that was held last week in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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Open Source Software, OLPC, and the Importance of Being Green
"...The OLPC laptop is designed to be used in places where there is no reliable power grid, or, in many cases, no power grid at all. This has challenged the OLPC Project is be very creative in how power is generated, stored and conserved..."
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New York Times: Laptop With a Mission Widens Its Audience
In November, you’ll be able to buy a new laptop that’s spillproof, rainproof, dustproof and drop-proof. It’s fanless, it’s silent and it weighs 3.2 pounds. One battery charge will power six hours of heavy activity, or 24 hours of reading.
Read more »LATU Uruguay Buying 100,000 OLPC XO's Over Classmate PC!!
LATU Uruguay, the government entity testing both Intel's Classmate PC and One Laptop Per Child's XO computer has rated the XO-1 the better option for the children of Uruguay's Florida province, 56.84 points to 53.06 points.
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Negroponte to announce "Give one, get one" OLPC promotion
Nicholas Negroponte, the visionary behind the One Laptop Per Child initiative (OLPC), has publicly expressed his disappointment at the lack of orders for his low-cost computer for poor children. The situation has become so dire that Negroponte will announce a "Give one, get one" promotion in the US and Canada.
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One Laptop Per Child -- XO Giving
Thank you for your interest in One Laptop Per Child. Our mission is to provide a means for learning, self-expression and exploration to the nearly two billion children of the developing world with little or no access to education. While children are by nature eager for knowledge, many countries have little resources to devote to education—sometimes less than $20 a year per child.
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Danish School Kid's Verdict On The OLPC Laptop: It's Cool!
Negropontes' people's PC is solely aimed at schoolchildren and if they give it thumbs down the large-scale project won't succeed -- no matter what kind of conclusions experts and theoretical thinkers can come up with.
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Govt minister goes geek for FOSS day
Armed with a One Laptop Per Child computer and kitted out in a Geek Freedom League t-shirt, South African deputy minister of science and technology, Derek Hanekom, opened Saturday's Software Freedom Day event at the departmental offices in Pretoria
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Windows wants in on the $200 laptop
With Microsoft trying to horn in on this one laptop per child program I can see two things happening. One I already mentioned and that is the price will rise. Not just because of the operating system that Microsoft seems intent on forcing on everyone but the cost of the hardware will rise too as windows will not run on hardware that Linux can happily run on.
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Famed `$100 laptop' now $188
The vaunted "$100 laptop" that Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers dreamed up for international schoolchildren is becoming a slightly more distant concept.
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Will Low-Cost Laptops Help Kids in Developing Countries?
The nonprofit organization One Laptop Per Child is working to develop computers that could be built for just $100 each and distributed to children in developing countries.Still, some of the program's critics, which have included Dell Inc.
Read more »Asustek to launch low-cost laptop
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The OLPC Linux Based Laptop Wins International Design Award
Yesterday, the Linux based One Laptop Per Child was presented an INDEX: AWARD for winning the Community category. The INDEX: AWARD is presented every other year, and in addition to the glory, each award comes with a €100 000 prize. INDEX: AWARD operates with five categories, which refer to the context for which the designs are intended: body, home, work, play and community.
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