Nautilus is the default file browser for Gnome. Most of us are familiar with Nautilus and its features. But there are a number of small hacks and some third party improvements which are not so common. Here is a list of top 8 nautilus hacks and improvements you need to know.
Read more »Adding a Secure Delete Option to Nautilus File Manager in Linux
This tutorial will show you how to add a secure-delete option to the contextual menu in Ubuntu and Fedora Linux, but it can also be used as an example for adding any command to the right-click menu in Nautilus. We all know that when you simply delete a file, it’s possible to recover it later.
Read more »Nautilus Elementary Simplifies File Browsing
Nautilus, the default file manager in Gnome-based Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu and Fedora, isn’t exactly pretty to look at. In fact at times it’s downright confusing. This is why a group of coders have taken Nautilus’ lack of an overhaul into their own hands. The project, called Nautilus Elementary.
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Install Nautilus Elementary (2.30) In Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx
The simplified / elementary Nautilus idea firstly begun with the 100 paper cuts for Ubuntu Karmic and it stated that the menu and columns are too big and take away space for the really important stuff. Unfortunately, a fix was never released. Here is where Nautilus Elementary comes in: a Nautilus patched for simplicity.
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Deconstructing Nautilus and rebuilding it better
There may well be some of you out there who are currently thinking, “It’s not that bad…” to which my response is: in terms of user interface, there are much better file managers available for GNOME than GNOME’s default file manager (two, off the top of my head: Thunar, default for the Xfce Desktop Environment and PCMan File Manager, or PCManFM).
Read more »Expand The GNOME File Manager With Nautilus Actions
The default file manager in the GNOME desktop environment is Nautilus. If you've been using GNOME for a while, then you're probably familiar with Nautilus' built in Nautilus Scripts function. The Scripts function is great, but there's an even better way to add functions to Nautilus; with Nautilus Actions.
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Deconstructing Nautilus and rebuilding it better (Nautilus + Zeitgeist)
If you’re an avid user of the GNOME Desktop Environment and follow the development of it, you may well be aware of one of the hot topics currently doing the rounds on the internet, and that is: The User Interface Of The Nautilus File Manager And Why Is It So Awful?
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Nautilus Elementary: A Simplified Nautilus For Ubuntu
The simplified / elementary Nautilus idea firstly begun with the 100 paper cuts for Ubuntu Karmic and it stated that the menu and columns are too big and take away space for the really important stuff. Unfortunately, a fix was never released. Here is where Nautilus Elementary comes in: a Nautilus patched for simplicity.
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How to Upload Images to Imgur Straight from Nautilus
What the hell is imgur? Imgur, my friend, is the best image host in all the interwebz. It's my current image host of choice because of its simple design, fast speed, and overall awesomeness.
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Add actions to extend Nautilus functionality
GNOME's file manager, Nautilus, (as you would expect) is much more than just a plain file manager. There are so many configuration options and ways to extend the default GNOME file manager.
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How to get popup window before empty gnome trash in Ubuntu
We have already discussed how to empty gnome trash from command line this will delete all the contents without prompt any warning this tutorial will explain how to get popup window before empty gnome trash.
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Music Album Covers And Picture Previews As Folder Thumbnails In Nautilus
Cover thumbnailer is a small Python script which displays music album covers in nautilus, preview of pictures which are in a folder and more. The script fits in nautilus like any other thumbnailer of the GNOME thumbnail factory; so you don't have to run it manually to generate thumbnails.
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10 secrets of Nautilus (file manager)
There are many secrets about Nautilus normal users might not familiar with them; therefore, in this article, I will try to shed light on some of them.
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Howto: OpenOffice Thumbnails in Nautilus
Nautilus (the GNOME file manager) is able to display thumbnails for several file types: images, video, audio (holding you mouse over a sound file for a few second), text, pdf, etc.
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Adding Document templates to Nautilus right click menu
Ubuntu distribution uses nautilus as the default file manager. You can tweak nautilus to increase your productivity. Here is one hack which I discovered recently. When you right click on the desktop or inside your file manager you get a menu as shown in the screen shot below.
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