

Eben Moglen on the Commons of the digital economy

To orchestrate change you need someone who can balance vision with pragmatism. In Eben Moglen the proponents choreographing the software patents debate have such a leader.

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geekyBodhi's picture
Created by geekyBodhi 14 years 6 days ago – Made popular 14 years 6 days ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:

Eben Moglen on learning through collaboration

A professor of Law and legal history at the Columbia University, Moglen preaches what he practices -- free software and the role it plays in improving education. As part of Bangalore's Christ University's conference on distributed education, Moglen delivered a (recorded) talk on how he uses Wikis to teach his Law courses.

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geekyBodhi's picture
Created by geekyBodhi 14 years 2 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 2 weeks ago
Category: Industry   Tags:

The Global Software Industry in Transformation: After GPLv3

Eben Moglen discusses the transformation of the software industry that will follow GPLv3.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 17 years 10 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 10 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

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