"The microkernel has an undeservedly bad reputation. It's time to take a second look..."
Read more »The Origins of Linux - Linus Torvalds [video]
Linus Torvalds, the creator of the [Linux kernel], tells the story of how he went from writing code as a graduate student in Helsinki in the early 1990s to becoming an icon for open source software by the end of the decade.
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GNewSense, the Present and the Future
"You would think that a GNU/Linux distribution dedicated to shipping only free software would be uncontroversial. After all, isn't free software what GNU/Linux is all about? Yet, when the latest version of GNewSense was announced recently, Slashdot readers were divided in their reactions..."
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Examining the Legendary HURD Kernel
"David Chisnall takes a look at the GNU Project's infamous HURD kernel, exploring some of the features that make it unique and some that have found their way into other systems. [...] Even in its current state, HURD exists to prove a point: It’s possible to have a complete and usable system running nothing other than GNU code." -- http://www.informit.com/articles/printerfriendly.aspx?p=1180992
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