OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. Marble, a virtual desktop globe application and widget for KDE desktop, will support OpenStreetMap in KDE 4.1. Once you start Marble and select "OpenStreetMap" as a theme then Marble will directly start to download OpenStreetMap tiles from the OpenStreetMap server.
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Seeing Linux clearly: Demystifying KDE and GNOME
Ok, you have to give some kudos to Windows: everyone knows what a window is. In the Linux world, KDE and GNOME aren’t quite as obvious. A gnome stands in your garden or inhabits the World of Warcraft, and KDE doesn’t even spell a word. The truth is they’re the two major window environments for Linux today; if you don’t like one type of UI you have another.
Read more »Exceptional Kids Programs for Linux
There’s nothing worse than hearing how an entire school district is switching operating systems from Mac to Windows (or vice versa) because that’s what the “business” world relies on or some other blather. The costs associated with the transition are enormous and the whole ‘to do’ is unnecessary, because features on applications mimic one another.
Read more »Kubuntu KDE4 Remix: An Ubuntu User's View
A long time Ubuntu user tries Kubuntu Linux 8.04 live CD with KDE 4.0 desktop and shares his experience.
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Screencast Videos from the upcoming KDE 4.1
Jos Poortvliet has created a couple of cool sceencast videos showing what is coming in KDE 4.1, planned to be released this July. High quality videos are available via torrent, low quality ones from YouTube.
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GNU and FSF News for May 2008
"Skype fought the GPL and the GPL won. The OLPC XO project abandons free software just as RMS switches to an XO; RMS not happy. New monthly newsletters from the FSF and FSFE. GNOME and KDE want to have a joint development conference in 2009. GNOME and GCC conferences coming up later this year. Plus all the usual news: more GPL v3 conversions, HURD news, GNOME news, GCC news, and more..."
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KDE 4.0.4 Released : Get it Now
KDE Community Ships Fourth Translation and Service Release of the 4.0 Free Desktop, Containing Numerous Bugfixes, Performance Improvements and Translation Updates
Read more »KDE Software Installer - alternative package management for Kubuntu/Debian
Adept is the graphical package management program included with Kubuntu, which is also available for Debian and other Linux distributions that use the apt package management system.
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KDE 4 rev 802150: Work in progress
The state of Plasma can be currently described as 'chaotic'. The reason for that is that its API is being refactored which in result makes it almost impossible to use for a regular human being. Most applets despite continuous development, still experience issues with adjusting to the new API. This results in instabilities and — in some cases — even problem with displaying properly on desktop.
Read more »Magnatune music store donated $1155.70 to Amarok
A year and a half ago, the excellent Linux music player Amarok added extensive support for Magnatune. The programmer, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen, did this on his own initiative, simply because he thought it'd be a neat thing for his favorite music player to have, and because he liked Magnatune's business philosophy.
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Scripting for the Desktop with Plasma in KDE 4
Three are three audiences: libplasma, ninjas and myspacers. Whole areas of Plasma library are designed around the eventual use cases for interpreted languages. The new widget programming interface for KDE 4.1 was designed 100% for the foundation of sane interpreted languages API exporting.
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KDE 4 could fundamentally change the way Linux developers code
Today interface designers are more conservative in their changes, because while drastic changes may please the geekatroids among us, they make casual users very nervous. Lately I have begun to get that little thrill down my spine when I play with KDE 4. It's an interface that's pretty and (bonus) so fundamentally different than what we have now, it brings a lot of excitement to the table.
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The Ultimate Guide to KDE Session Management and Autostarting
One of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about KDE is how to start applications when the user logs into a KDE session. The answer is not always as straightforward as one would hope, and sometimes quite scattered across several sources.
Read more »KDE and GNOME Buddy Up
Who would have believed it in 2004? KDE and GNOME, the two major Linux desktop interfaces, buddying up and having their annual meetings together? It would have been easier to believe in cats and dogs signing a permanent peace treaty. Believe it.
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KDE 4: Key Improvements and User Tips
This week, I'm listing the items, big and small, that impress me about the latest release of KDE 4, in the hopes of offering some starting points for others' exploration of the new desktop. I have left out long-established features, such as virtual desktops, to focus on the new ones.
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