"...thanks to Gmane’s creator,Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen, i’m nearing the RSS nirvana: he’s created a new service, Gwene, which works like Gmane, but for RSS feeds instead of mailing lists. The interface is damn simple: you just enter the URL of the feed you wanna read, give it a name, and its contents is available over NNTP and updated every thirty minutes.
Read more »Debian list spam reporting the Gnus way
"So, recently our email overlords graciously provided means for us minions to help them in their toils and help clean up the spammish clutter in the mailing lists by helping report the spam. And the provided us with a dead simple means of reporting such spam to them.
Read more »running console programs inside emacs
"Emacs comes with a nice terminal emulator called ansi-term. Using M-x ansi-term, you can run shells and other terminal programs from within emacs, and the emulation is good enough even for 'graphical' console programs. For example, I am using the mutt mailer and slrn news reader with ansi-term.
Read more »No Seriously, Use Gnus For Email
"Looking at my illustrious fancy new google analytics, I think most of the hits on this blog are people looking for how to read their email in Emacs. As I support such behavior, I have collected links to all of the relevant posts here, in chronological order. This is still exactly how I read my email on my laptop every day.
Read more »Emacs Gnus: Filter Spam
"(draft for an upcoming book called Wicked Cool Emacs)
Ah, spam, the bane of our Internet lives. There is no completely reliable way to automatically filter spam. Spam messages that slip through the filters and perfectly legitimate messages that get labelled spam are all part of the occupational hazards of using the Internet..."
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