"American software freedom activist Richard Stallman, better known as the author of GNU General Public License, joined RT to give his comments on modern software copyright laws, and the risks of cyber sneaking. The interview is available in Ogg Theora format..."
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Video: Linux HOWTO, Secure Your Data with GnuPG
This tutorial shows how you can use GnuPG to secure and verify data on your Linux box but the first part is relevant for Windows users too.
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HOWTO to setup Stumpwm for a fully Lispy environment (2008-08-07)
"... thought I would throw this out there as I have spent some time recently getting this working. I had used the stumpwm binary built with the configure && make dance, but it does not run swank in the background so the fabulous facility of running slime-connect and hacking the live window manager was not available. That and having read about clbuild I wanted to get it working.
Read more »Is Hushmail Still Safe? I do some research
"I have been talking to quite a few people about Hushmail and I have been getting mixed reviews. For a long time, Hushmail was considered a very secure email provider until an affidavit from a DEA agent in 2007 raised concerns. And now there's this sketchy post on Cryptome saying their PGP app might be backdoored.
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GnuPG's 10th birthday -- A Short History of the GNU Privacy Guard
"It's been a decade now that the very first version of the GNU Privacy Guard has been released. This very first version was not yet known under the name of GnuPG but dubbed "g10" as a reference on the German constitution article on freedom of telecommunication (Grundgesetz Artikel 10) and as a pun on the G-10 law which allows the secret services to bypass these constitutional guaranteed freedoms..."
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Perform GnuPG Functions Within Vim
Performing GnuPG functions from Vim is actually pretty helpful if you work heavily with both applications on a regular basis. I was recently looking for a simple way to both word wrap and clearsign various text files within Vim, and found just what I was looking for.
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GNU Privacy Guard
"The GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG) is a free software replacement for the PGP suite of cryptographic software, released under the GNU General Public License. It is a part of the Free Software Foundation’s GNU software project..."
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