Every time Ballmer makes these increasingly vague claims—this makes the fourth go-around in the last four years by my count—open source and legal experts jump all over him. He ignores them and life continues. Ballmer is sending two other hidden messages though. Mark Shuttleworth, CEO of Canonical, Ubuntu's corporate Linux backer, pointed them out to me in a recent conversation.
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Microsoft Steps Up Its Windows Game Against Linux
Microsoft has made its next comprehensive move against Linux. At this point in time, it seems that the Redmond company is lining up every last of its peons, building a consistent offensive that will accompany the official launch of Windows Server 2008.
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Microsoft's risky, misleading ad campaign
It wouldn't be so bad if the person quoted [in the ad] actually still worked for his State (Illinois in this case). Nor would it be quite as bad if the person in question - Paul Campbell - weren't involved in a swirl of federal subpoenas, allegations of serious ethics violations, and general incompetence.
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Microsoft launch campaign worthy of a politician in it's vagueness
I've come out of retirement because of THIS monstrosity of an ad which I increasingly see coming up on Linux related pages. I hate advertising like this that is designed to confuse...
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Some New FUD Is Born - And a New Wallpaper for Edubuntu
I can usually tell what the new Microsoft anti-Linux FUD is by reading what Rob Enderle writes. Not that I seek it out. People send it to me. He's as reliable as Old Faithful at spilling the strategies, just as he channeled SCOthink before. I found it very helpful, by the way. Thanks for being so transparent.
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Microsoft FUD Watch: OOXML Edition
In all my years working as a journalist, I've never seen any technology company spin information the way Microsoft did today. The press release on OOXML ratification is a blueprint for spinning semantics, and the stringing together of truths and half-truths to seemingly make the outcome of one event something else altogether.
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Fewer flaws FUD wars as Microsoft paints misleading picture of Linux security
Microsoft security 'vulnerability scorecard' gives false impression of OS security, suggesting Windows is the most secure of all. Of course, start to look behind the pretty graphs and the ugly truth emerges that this is just more Microsoft FUD to try and derail the free software machine.
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Black Google not as green as painted
Interesting blog about how environmentally friendly Google is, and whether painting the background black instead of white would save electricity and help save the planet.
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GPLv3, the dishonorable suicide
RMS will not save the world - he has just killed the FLOSS, actually. We have already started to hear about strange license lockups...
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Too Many Linux Distros Make For Open Source Mess
Remember the 1980s worries about how the "forking" of Unix could hurt that operating system's chances for adoption? That was nothing compared to the mess we've got today with Linux, where upwards of 300 distributions vie for the attention of computer users seeking an alternative to Windows.
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Linspire CEO Calls Certain Distros 'High-Brow Pirates'
Linspire CEO Kevin Carmony observed that "some distributions have come out, claiming to be taking the 'moral high ground' by refusing to give in to 'Microsoft threats,' while openly promoting the means of circumventing proprietary software on their web sites, amounting to nothing more than high-brow software piracy
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InformationWeek opens it's mouth to change feet
InformationWeek have responded to critcisms of misrepresentation with ...a straw man. This short piece points out how InformationWeek's continued rehashing of old material disproves their own claim of a "growing schism".
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Misleading InformationWeek GPLv3 article
LINUS CALLS GPLv3 "A FINE CHOICE" - is a title that InformationWeek could have used for their article. It would have been very selective quoting, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for InformationWeek.
Nor does pretending that old emails are new emails, or misrepresenting people.
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Ubuntu Aftermath: Puncturing The Linux 'Urban Legend'
Most of us, even confirmed Windows users, have accepted on some level the idea that Linux really is a better operating system, on a technical level. Not me; not anymore. After my long slog preparing Ubuntu Linux's Achilles' Heel: It's Tough To Install On Laptops, I'm now filing that one in the "urban legend" folder.
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GPLv3 license marks GNU's decline
I've no doubt that this is the beginning of the end for GNU, and it will prove the strength of the larger free software world. The Free Software Foundation has dumped a load of restrictions on us with GPLv3 and told us that restrictions lead to freedom and that it is good for us. That's a little too Bush administration-like for me.
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