Jon 'maddog' Hall announced on the openmoko mailing list, that the University of São Paulo's intent to join Openmoko development.
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Openmoko Throws Everything Behind "Plan B"
Putting Linux on mobile phones is all the rage these days, what with Google's Android popping up on prototypes left and right, and even the venerable Palm pushing the Pre, a penguin-phone of its own. That wasn't always true, though, but way back in those dark days of proprietary phoning — at least a little ways back — there was Openmoko bringing us hope of truly-open telephony.
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Openmoko on the ropes?
Taiwan-based embedded design firm Openmoko is discontinuing its open-source Linux Neo FreeRunner phone and slashing its staff in half, says an industry report.
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Extend the border of free cyberspace to mobile
"After one year spent using my (pretty old) cell phone for more than just sms and audio calls, I understand better some of the new challenges that the free software movement have to face. I already wrote about the implications of GPLv3 on mobile handsets, but that post only scratches the surface of the issues..."
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Impressions of emacs on a cell phone
"...You see my goal is to not use the FreeRunner as a cellphone, but as a PDA: bbdb, w3m (mainly offline with a WWWOFFLE cache)... Impressions of emacs on a cellphone: ..." -- via It was only a matter of time
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The Bizarre Cathedral - 24
Latest from the Bizarre cathedral by Tony Mobily & Ryan Cartwright
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DebianOnFreeRunner - Debian Wiki
Learn how to install Debian GNU/Linux on the OpenMoko Freerunner.
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Debian on the FreeRunner
"I’ve been at DebConf for almost two week, but haven’t blogged a lot about it. It’s mostly because we’ve been working on getting Debian to run on the OpenMoko FreeRunner. Today we finally sent out the official annoucement for this ..."
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Debian on the FreeRunner -- now official
"Dear OpenMoko community, the FSO packaging team of the Debian project is happy to announce that we have started to provide installation procedures and packages required to have your FreeRunner run Debian-powered. This means that you can use your favorite tools such as apt-get and the other >20.000 packages on your FreeRunner, including the software stack.
Read more »iPhone kill-switch
"Last weekend, Steve Jobs revealed that Apple has built a “kill-switch” into every iPhone to terminate any 'malicious or inappropriate' programs that somehow got through their application screening process.
Read more »An Openmoko bike ride
"I've been having fun with new purchases recently: a new bike, and a Neo Freerunner phone from Openmoko. The phone is also my first GPS, and it's doing a fine job as one: ..."
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[FSF] Free Software Supporter Issue 6 - August 2008
– ## In this issue
* Why free software and Apple's iPhone don't mix
* Play Ogg!
* Pizza Party for friends of the FSF in San Francisco
* Portland associate membership meeting recap
* Give Apple the iPhone Challenge
* Help defeat Microsoft's OOXML format!
* Atheros releases free software wireless driver
* Yahoo Music -- the bad dream of DRM continues
* GNU spotlight with Karl Berry
FSF demonstrates iPhone's incompatibility with free software and GPLv3
"BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- Thursday, July 31, 2008 -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has published a statement exposing Apple's hostile position towards free software on its iPhone mobile computing platform..."
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Why free software and Apple's iPhone don't mix - by John Sullivan
"I've published a second article for the Free Software Foundation about Apple's iPhone, looking at the measures Apple uses to control iPhone users and prevent developers from writing free software for the platform. It turns out that this is a good example of why updating the GPL was important, and why it's a good idea for developers to use the new version (GPLv3).
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Towards using the FreeRunner as my primary phone
"Having had some time to play around with the FreeRunner's software (see my previous post), I can make a few more remarks about it now.
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