As a Canadian, I'm always irked by airy statements by Americans that they won World War II. With all respect, I feel much the same way about the recent interview on with Jim Zemlin, the executive director of the Linux Foundation.
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Announcing the FOSS LGBT Launch.
Although still very much in its infancy, FOSS LGBT is my little pet project for the LGBT GNU/Linux and FOSS users to come out of the woodwork and band together to help maintain diversity any acceptance in the FOSS community. The goals are similar to the Ubuntu Women project.
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The Effects of Software Patent Policy on the Motivation and Innovation of FOSS
The thesis of Marcus Manfred Dapp offers an explanation of why software patents are bad for Europe (and for any other continent/country for that matter)
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Why Linux Should Not Get a Free Ride
I love Linux, I love FLOSS. I love the ideas behind them, and what drives the community. Why am I so critical during my reviews then?
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Free/Open Source Software Global Maturity Matrix (FOSS GloMM)
I have stated a few times that the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and its advocates don’t have a vision of the future that I find viable. Twenty years from now, across the globe, every individual, business, organization, and government entity will have FOSS suitable for all their needs.
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A Big Victory for F/OSS: Jacobsen v. Katzer is Settled
A long running case of great significance to the legal underpinnings of free and open source/open source software (F/OSS) has just settled on terms favorable to the F/OSS developer.
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Does Computer Engineer Barbie Use Linux?
Assuming that the numbers from 2006 hold true, the level of participation by women in open source could use a lot of improvement. According to the Flosspols study, women make up less than 2 percent of the open source community. Proprietary software shows a not-great but much higher participation rate of nearly 30 percent.
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How Patent Trolls Harm FOSS and How the European Parliament Plans to Make the Trolls Even Stronger
Europe not only accommodates patent trolls (even in Belgium) but it also intends to make them more potent thanks to legislation that the Parliament in Brussels in discussing
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ReactOS Arwinss to use more Wine code
ReactOS was meant as a free and open-source operating system. But after 11 years in development it never reached a satisfactory level of usability. Due to lack of developers, reimplementing the Win32 subsystem proved to be complex. Given the deficiencies in ReactOS developer Aleksey Bragin decided to rewrite it from scratch using Wine source code.
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It’s Free as in Freedom
A rebuttal to Dana Blankenhorn, who redefines "FOSS" in a very unhelpful way
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Microsoft: an end to open hostilities?
First branded as a communist plot, then derided as a form of cancer, before being upgraded to merely a 'grey spectre', free and open source software (FOSS) has had a pretty rough ride from Microsoft over the years. For many in the open source community, the company represents all that is troubling about closed source software development. Recently, though, there have been developments.
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Free and Open Source Software Feature on VTV (Vietnam)
I mentioned over a month ago that VTV visited my Linux Lab. A couple weeks ago they aired the 10 minute segment on VTV. I know several of the guys featured on the program including An Nguyen of SaigonLUG and Professor Son from the University of Education. The open source community is starting to grow in Saigon...
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A Concise Introduction to Free and Open Source Software
Andy Updegrove writes an article providing an overview of the history of FOSS and its champions, the major philosophical differences that divide FOSS from OSS developers, the multiple licenses under which FOSS is made available, and the principle non-profit institutions that support and promote FOSS.
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Crossroads in FOSS Projects: Some Business Considerations
Any project can reach a crossroads. Sometimes this leads to forks. Although FOSS communities strive to prevent forks, they can be positive.
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Ahhhhh – Youre killing FOSS!
I am looking at a claim thats usually made against many outspoken people in the FOSS, but often you see it when there is no counter in an debate/argument. When I first started writing this article little did I know I would get my own example of “killing the FOSS” directed at me.
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