I follow all three of the above mentioned analysts regularly as part of my news scouring for eHomeUpgrade. Unfortunately, I believe all three of them GET IT WRONG when it comes to Linux users and what THEY WANT from their PCs.
Read more »Why Analysts Like Gartenberg, Mossberg, Enderle Don't Get Linux on the Desktop
http://www.ehomeupgrade.com –
The pen is mightier than the FUD
http://lxer.com –
"For those who have tried and failed to follow the train of thought in the article, it goes a bit like this: Richard Stallman personally cares little for material wealth, so RMS's main objective must be to strip other people of their wealth as well, or to prevent other people of ever becoming wealthy.
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Created by bridget 17 years 33 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 33 weeks ago
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