In three years, Krugle, the company behind the code search engine of the same name, has gone from an idea to a company that's starting to produce revenue. CEO Steve Larsen, a veteran of half a dozen startups, attributes this brief time to market as being due largely to free and open source software (FOSS). According to Larsen, FOSS has shaped most aspects of the company, including its hiring practices and relations with business partners and users.
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Know your code, know open source
It used to be there were only a couple of players in town who combed through software code, specifically looking for open source packages and licenses: Black Duck and Palamida. A year ago, we figured there was plenty of room for additional players, but we had no idea how many companies would end up coming to the open source code scanning table.
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Thank you for the code
There are a total of 21,652 packages installed on my home workstation, an AMD64 single core processor box which has been in use since March 2006. It runs the testing stream of Debian. That's a lot of code, all of it free as in beer.
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Novell accused of reselling Red Hat code
A top Red Hat executive has accused arch-rival Novell of reselling a beta version of the company's open source code.
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Why does Humanity needs Free Software ?
Open source and closed source software are different in the shape, because in the first case, users have access to the code, which means control, and this is not the case for proprietary software.
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IBM beats Microsoft over the head with its own code
Accessibility technology now headed for open-source applications was derived from work done by Microsoft.
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Canonical releases Launchpad component as open source
Canonical has announced the release of Storm, a open source object-relational mapping (ORM) tool for Python that can support simultaneous communication with multiple databases.
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