boycott novell


Defaming Boycott Novell Using Lies, Forgeries

Foes of Boycott Novell go down low and make up dirt in order to paint the Web site in a negative light

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 35 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 35 weeks ago
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Discrediting by Distorting Boycott Novell’s Message

Response to people who mischaracterise Boycott Novell and falsely attribute false words to it

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 39 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 39 weeks ago
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Godwin 2.0

Recent smear campaign labels Boycott Novell a "software taliban"

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 43 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 43 weeks ago
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“Why So Negative?”

Why Boycott Novell covers a particular type of stories

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 4 days ago – Made popular 15 years 3 days ago
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Paid Microsoft AstroTurfer Strikes Boycott Novell

Microsoft shill Jonathan Wong travels the Web to defend Microsoft

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 7 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 7 weeks ago
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DDOS and Migration

Boycott Novell had been under DDOS attacks for almost 4 days. We were struggling to just stay online while hosts investigated where the attacks came from. We moved between hosts (to semi-dedicated) and the same pattern of attack persisted until yesterday. WE have kept silent about it in order not to encourage the attacker/s, but it's true.

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 15 weeks ago
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“Linux Action Show” Censor Comments They Disagree with...

OKAY, so we wrote a quick post to point out that Bryan and Co. are very hostile towards GNU. And no, it wasn't trolling and it was not provocative; it was actually pretty polite. The convictions of these guys have been apparent to their audience for quite some time and the latest burst that led to bad press was merely a last straw...

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 17 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 16 weeks ago
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“Twisted Ideological Crusade” and Other Excuses

Known critic of Boycott Novell tries to justify choice of SUSE; GNU India responds to Boycott Novell protest

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 39 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 39 weeks ago
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FSF India's FAQ on Various recent issues including recent Boycott Novell Protest

FSF India condemns the attack on free software activists who were criticizing Novell in a nonviolent and legitimate way.

Two of the FSF India board members, Dr V. Sasikumar and Mr M. Arun, joined other free software activists to protest against man-handling of peaceful free software campaigners. This protest was also stopped by authorities in an authoritarian and undemocratic manner.

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gnubie's picture
Created by gnubie 15 years 40 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 40 weeks ago
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Boycott "Boycott Novell"

The site claims to be "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications".

The keyword is "Reality". Unfortunately, there is not a lot of reality or even any facts behind Boycott Novell's articles, which seem to come several times daily. Let me explain:

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3rdalbum's picture
Created by 3rdalbum 16 years 12 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 12 weeks ago
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Boycott Novell: Defenders of Freedom, or Offenders of Freedom?

Ladies and gentlemen, sit down. You have all been taken advantage of in the worst manipulative mental carnival imagineable.

FUD. We all know the term. Wikipedia states it as: "Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) is a tactic of rhetoric used in sales, marketing, public relations, and illiberal democracies.

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Mr. Psychopath's picture
Created by Mr. Psychopath 16 years 12 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 12 weeks ago
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