I am currently writing a Python application that makes use of GNU Autotools as build system and noticed that determining whether a specific Python module is installed is not that easy and no usable Autoconf macro exists. So I came up with my own solution, which I would like to share with you...
Read more »HOWTO to setup Stumpwm for a fully Lispy environment (2008-08-07)
"... thought I would throw this out there as I have spent some time recently getting this working. I had used the stumpwm binary built with the configure && make dance, but it does not run swank in the background so the fabulous facility of running slime-connect and hacking the live window manager was not available. That and having read about clbuild I wanted to get it working.
Read more »Chapter 3: Configuring your project with Autoconf
We should all be very grateful to David MacKenzie for having the foresight to, metaphorically speaking, stop and sharpen the ax. Otherwise we'd still be writing (copying) and maintaining long, complex hand-coded configure scripts today.
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GNU autotools primer (part one)
The GNU autotools programs (autoconf, automake and libtool), which are used for making software portable between Unix-like operating systems, have been around for more than fifteen years now, but their use is still regarded by many programmers to be a dark art.
Read more »Autotools: a practitioner's guide to autoconf, automake and libtool
John Calcote, a C++ programmer gives a detailed consideration of the open source progammming toolset via this book review - strengths, weaknesses, the good, the bad and the ugly.
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