

Introducting KDE 4: Akregator News Feed Reader


Welcome to another issue of the Kontact series, this week we will give a look to Feeds part of Kontact, I used to use this application on KDE 3.5, and it seems like it didn't change much. But this isn't a bad thing.

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Created by netturfer 15 years 23 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 23 weeks ago
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New improved workflow in Akregator?


Akregator—the KDE feed reader—may see an improved interface; focusing on the user's workflow in an upcomng version. Lead develoer Frank Osterfeld is posetive to the suggested changes. Follow the discussion in the Akregator email list.

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Created by Daan 16 years 45 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 44 weeks ago
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