Both Gobuntu and gNewSense fulfill the desires of the most exigent users when it is about respecting their freedoms. Almost identical at the software level, these two distributions differ in the relation they maintain with Ubuntu at the project level.
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Recordings about our Philosophy
"...If you have a good recording from a GNU event, and you would like to share it with us, please send an email to '' ..."
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What’s So Green About Free Software?
"Recently, there was some news on about the Canadian Greens supporting free software in their election platform. I’m not surprised. Greens in general are very supportive towards free software, even the ones that don’t really use much of it themselves (like the Swedish Greens).
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Perception of Free/Libre Software
"...In my recent public speeches I focused on one value of Free Software: business ethics within digital society. In short, my argument is that since the society has changed to an economy of information, those that write software have the power to control information and therefore control society. Modern societies evolved systems, like democracy, so that big powers could be balanced.
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Give One, Get One : One Laptop Per Child
"...Between November 12th and November 26th you can order two of the OLPC machines, one for yourself and one to be donated to a child in a developing nation for $399..."
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The philosophy of Gnu puts users in the middle of a difficult decision.
They need to decide which is better, free software or non-free software. This response to a concerned email, aims to clear up some issues and misconceptions.
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Free Software as Social Innovation
"On Friday 2nd November I attended the London FSFE event, Free Software as a Social Innovation. I am not really a techie (though I have been Free since 1998) and certainly not in an NGO, but had asked to go because I wanted to see some ground level advocacy in action.
I had an interesting day. Feel "Free" to read on..."
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FSF - The Free Software Foundation
Everyone in the US: phone your senators' offices at 202-224-3121 to oppose the US-Peru "Free Trade" Treaty. It requires software patents and something like the DMCA. (Not to mention other harmful effects on other areas of life.)
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Happy Birthday, GNU/Linux
"RMS sends his own characteristic birthday greetings to celebrate the marriage of GNU and Linux..."
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Open Standards, Open Format - Key to the Future
This paper provides legal implications of formats and explains why it is better to adopt format based on open standards. Guidelines for implementing open formats are also provided.
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RMS: Overcoming Social Inertia
"...The main obstacle to the triumph of software freedom is social inertia [...] Social inertia consists of people giving in to social inertia. When you give in to social inertia, you become part of it; when you resist it, you reduce it. We conquer inertia by identifying it, and resolving not to be part of it.
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Free/libre knowledge resources
"I had the pleasure of meeting Kim Tucker at the OpenLearn conference last week. Kim has long campaigned on the concept of free/libre knowledge as the most effective way to bridge the knowledge divide. I highly recommend his essay,'Say "Libre" for Knowledge and Learning Resources', something of a manifesto calling for wider access to freedom of access to information and knowledge..."
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Democratic presidential candidates
"Some Democratic presidential candidates are starting to oppose the plan to give immunity to the phone companies that participated in illegal surveillance."
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Wikipedia's Wales Goes To Africa To Encourage Participation
"Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales is leading workshops in Johannesburg, South Africa, this weekend to stimulate the growth of local-language Wikipedia sites there..."
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University Defies RIAA Demand to Release Student Downloaders' Names
"The University of Oregon (my alma mater, coincidentally) is believed to be the first US educational institution to refuse an RIAA demand to hand over the names of students alleged to have illegally downloaded music..."
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