After reading a recent press release about System Center Operations Manager 2007 being able to “manage Unix/Linux”, the first thought that goes through my head is WTF? Who in their right mind would touch that product?
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Microsoft Plays Unfairly on The World Wide Web Again
What?!?! Using Windows Vapourware™ (7) as an anti-competitive tool against next-generation threats such as Google? Microsoft got plans!
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The Biggest Windows XP Myth of All
Do you love going to the dentist to get a filling — if it means you don’t have to get root canal? In this case, XP is the filling you learn to live with because you don’t want all the deeper pain associated with Vista migrations. But that doesn’t mean you love XP.
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Microsoft arguments against Linux are bollocks
Microsoft PR threw down the gauntlet; “see how Windows Server 2008 stacks up versus Linux,” they say. There’s a “Get the Facts” URL being promoted with claims of direct comparisons between the two operating systems. Anyone reading the headlines alone could be fooled into thinking there’s substance to be found.
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In Microsoft Speak, “Open” Means No GNU/Linux or FOSS Support
Both Microsoft and Novell can be accused of harming perceptions of “Open Source”. Novell seeks justification by clarifying that it really is a mixed-source company, whereas Microsoft shoves the word “open” everywhere it deems possible.
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What Ever Happened to the Boycott Microsoft Web Site?
As you may or may not know, the official Boycott Microsoft Web site has been inactive for about 10 years. In the week to come we will present some of its old yet invaluable findings. We ought to share them in order to demonstrate how little the company has changed since the more brutal antitrust era (before change in administration, which has turned a blind eye to bad behavior since).
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Microsoft and free software? I don't think so...
Microsoft turn to free software? That’ll be the day. Some have suggested that Microsoft might embrace free software and thus resolve the present conflict. That actually would be a terrific strategy for them, but I don’t think that Microsoft is smart enough to do it.
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Three myths Microsoft tells Russia
I'm at the Moscow airport getting ready to fly back to the United States. Before I leave, however, I figured it would be good to note (and then bury) three myths that I heard perpetuated by Microsoft at the Interop Moscow conference. They've been largely discredited elsewhere, but it appears Microsoft prefers to keep regurgitating the party line until abject ridicule sets in.
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How Microsoft and Novell Make GNU/Linux More Expensive to Purchase Than Windows
Novell’s recent news about China [1, 2, 3] is pretty significant because this shows what tricks Microsoft and Novell hope to make more widespread and prevalent around the world, not just in Asia. It’s a symbolic start that illustrates just why Novell has become dangerous to GNU/Linux adoption (contrary to common belief).
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Microsoft’s Software Patents Bill, Mozilla Brain-Picking, More Patents in Standards
Yesterday as well as the day before that, some of the press reopened a jar of worms and spoke about Microsoft’s software patents minefield, but bloggers did not pay any attention to Novell’s fight against the free in “Free software”. Novell is just about as guilty as Microsoft because without its participation and pasive endorsement Microsoft’s efforts would hold no water.
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Urgent Need for Transparency in Procurement, Standards-Setting Process
It has for long been argued — in several different places in fact — that one of the principal adoption barriers for Free software to face is corruption. The obstacles to clear are not purely technical.
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Bill Gates Ridicules the GPL While Novell Mops Up with Software Patents
There is no substantial news here other than development of discussions, which seem to spread fairly fast from one blog to another blog and soon onto the press. To repeat criticisms from yesterday about Novell’s announcement on China [1, 2], Novell and Microsoft keep spreading software patents to all parts of the world (never mind the legality), using SUSE Linux (Ballnux).
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Microsoft Has a Reasonably Discriminatory Plan to Illegalise FOSS
A few days ago we wrote about Microsoft’s defense of RAND (and a bit of its latest slime against Groklaw). Do not be mistaken or deliberately misled to the point of believing that this RAND gotcha only applies to OOXML. It also applies to Mono and — by association — to Moonlight, which Microsoft hopes to infect the World Wide Web with.
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Sun+MySql: a new business strategy focused on proprietary software
"...Marten Mickos has just acknowledge that I understood the slide quite correctly, and they will indeed develop new features in MySQL Enterprise (in 6.0), without making them available in MySQL Community. Hmm!"
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Vista SP1 won't install on dual-boot systems: Microsoft
"Are you currently running Windows and Linux in a dual-boot setup? You're going to have major headaches with Vista SP1, Microsoft has admitted."... Surprise, surprise.
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