recently we, your mostly friendly Ftpmaster and -team, have been asked about an opinion about the AGPL in Debian. The short summary is: We think that works licensed under the AGPL can go into main. (Provided they don't have any other problems).
Read more »EFF berates Apple over open-source iTunes project
Apple's attempt to quash an effort to help the latest iPods and iPhones work with non-Apple software such as the Linux operating system is out of line, the Electronic Frontier Foundation said Tuesday.
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Bilski - What It Means, Part 5 (Conclusion) -- What About Microsoft's Patent Threats?
Let's conclude our series of articles on In Re Bilski by looking at what the ruling may mean for Microsoft's threats against Linux. We can start by figuring out what kinds of patents Microsoft might think it owns.
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Court Grants OLPC's Motions Dismissing Lancor's Claims in Nigeria
Do you remember the horrible case against OLPC in Nigeria, where a company called Lancor claimed infringement of its design patent on a keyboard? They were asking for $20 million in damages. I have some happy news from OLPC News' recent newsletter:In the domestic Nigerian keyboard case, the court granted OLPC's motions to dismiss Lancor's claims.
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Copyleft The Great Giveaway
"...If middlemen could strip off the freedom, we might have many users, but those users would not have freedom. So instead of putting GNU software in the public domain, we copyleft it. Copyleft says that anyone who redistributes the software, with or without changes, must pass along the freedom to further copy and change it. Copyleft guarantees that every user has freedom..."
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A Closer Look at Digital Rights Management
Earlier this year, the last of the four major music labels offered its respective catalog for digital download to's music service in the MP3 format with no digital copy protections, giving users the ability to freely transfer songs to any portable MP3 music player.
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Obama proposes patent reform
The new US-President Obama wants to improve "predictability and clarity" in the patent system as well as "patent quality".
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Update on restriction of internet freedom in Brazil
In August, we wrote about the Law Project from Senator Azeredo (PSDB) in Brazil that will restrict the freedom of internet users in Brazil.
A public, Congressional hearing about the current Brazilian data retention bill will happen on November 13th, 2008 after months of political pressure by the civil society, especially the Brazilian free software movement.
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GPLv3/AGPLv3 Adoption: If It Happened Too Fast, I'd Be Worried
"Since the release of GPLv3, technology pundits have been opining about how adoption is unlikely, usually citing Linux's still-GPLv2 status as (often their only) example. Even though I'm a pro-GPLv3 (and, specifically, pro-AGPLv3) advocate, I have never been troubled by slow adoption, as long as it remained on a linear upswing from release day onward (which it has)..."
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Bilski - What It Means, Part 4 - The Microsoft Brief
I said I'd write next about Microsoft in my series of articles trying to explain what In Re Bilski means. I also said it would be the last in the series, but it's not.
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The Chinese Overlords of Intellectual Monopolies
A Chinese Internet company has sued Microsoft for patent infringement over its use of RSS* in Windows Vista.
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Bilski - What It Means, Part 3 - The Mayer Dissent and Some Intangibility Questions
Continuing our series on the In Re Bilski ruling [PDF], here is Judge Mayer's dissenting opinion as text, the one that points out how utterly damaging all business methods patents are. Also, a reader sent me this link to what I agree is the best overview of the ruling that we've seen yet, by the law firm of Ladas & Parry.
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U.S. Courts: New Criteria for Software Patents
A current U.S. court case would make it harder for software patent trolls to file for dubious patents and make legal claims based on existing ones.
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Bilski ruling: a victory on the path to ending software patents
"As opinions form about the extent to which the Court ruling impacts the patenting of software, one thing is clear. The State Street ruling that in 1998 opened the flood gates to the patenting of business methods and software has been gutted, if not technically overturned..."
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Big Step in the Right Direction for Software Patenting in the US
A look at political involvement from Obama et al; more patent-trolling; OIN & IBM; re Bilski
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