Our reporter from the courtroom in the SCO v. Novell jury trial, Chris Brown, has now filed his first report for today, which I'll add to as his further reports arrive.
Read more »Week 2, Day 8 of SCO v. Novell Trial
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Apple's Patent Attack
Software patents have long been the source of a great deal of concern in the free software community; patents are by far the biggest restraint on our ability to program our own computers. Those who worry about these things have expected that attacks might come from patent trolls, or from software companies with fading prospects.
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Week 2, Day 6 of SCO v. Novell Trial - The Mistrial Motion, Kim Madsen
Chris Brown attended the jury trial today for us in SCO v. Novell, and he has the details about the mistrial motion, the denial of the motion to allow evidence, and there was testimony today from Kim Madsen and Darl McBride and a deposition played of Steven Sabbath. The mistrial was related to the denial of Novell's motion to allow evidence.
Read more »Novell's Petition for Writ of Certiorari - as text
We have the Novell's Petition for a Writ of Ceriorari [PDF] as text. This is its petition, asking the US Supreme Court to review the decision by the US Court of the Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Odds are always against the petitioner to the U.S. Supreme Court, of course, and the earliest it could be heard would be in April, we learned from a remark at Friday's trial in SCO v.
Read more »Day 5 of the SCO v. Novell Trial and Some Help for Journalists Covering the Trial
Our reporter in the courtroom today has sent his first dispatch. More to come. He had a pleasant chat with Tom Harvey of the Salt Lake Tribune.
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Day 4 of the Trial in SCO v. Novell - and Novell's Petition for Certiorari
They played videos in court today, day 4 of SCO v. Novell's jury trial. SCO claims it has a surprise witness, like that surprises anyone that has been following SCO's legal ways. There was a dispute about that, but I gather it will happen eventually.
Read more »Australia comes clean on ACTA role
"Clean" is a relative term when dealing with forked-tongue politicians and it's not entirely clear whether DFAT has Foreign Minister, Swan, or Trade Minister, Crean, responsible for dealing with ACTA. Note DFAT links on page.
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European Parliament slams digital copyright treaty
By a remarkable vote of 633 to 13, the Parliament rebuked European negotiators who have been drafting the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in a series of confidential meetings around the globe. No version of the document has been disclosed by the participants, which include the United States, the European Commission, Japan, and Canada.
Read more »Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal
In 2003, after I unveiled a prototype Linux desktop called Project Looking Glass*, Steve called my office to let me know the graphical effects were “stepping all over Apple’s IP.” (IP = Intellectual Property = patents, trademarks and copyrights.) If we moved forward to commercialize it, “I’ll just sue you.” My response was simple.
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Australia on internet watchlist with Iran, North Korea
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy's censorship policy won him the Internet Villain of the Year trophy, awarded by the British internet industry.
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More Back-and-Forth on Proposed Jury Instructions/Verdict Forms in SCO v. Novell
The parties are still going back and forth over pre-trial issues, specifically over the jury instructions and the verdict form. We may see even more on this, because jury instruction and the verdict form come at the very end, so there is still time to try to get it just right. Not that either side will be entirely happy with the result.
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Epic fail: USPTO decides amazon's one click patent is valid
Amazon's 1-Click has come under a lot of fire over the years from critics who question whether such a broad technology should be patented at all. It refers to the process by which online shoppers make purchases with a single click, having previously entered their payment and shipping information.
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Guest post: 2010 - Threats to copyleft
Combining freedoms and copyleft in the Gnu GPL license (invented by Richard Stallman) was the cornerstone of free software. This is now questioned due to the proliferation of incompatible copyleft licenses.
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SCO vs. Linux: The trial can begin
The bankruptcy court dealing with the SCO Group has approved a loan from a group of investors. This means that the company now has sufficient funds for the pending jury trial against Novell.
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Virtualization: An easy way to kill Apple's HTC lawsuit
Intel's Wind River Hypervisor and technologies like it could usher in a new age of Device-agnostic Smartphone Operating Systems and unprecedented customer choice
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