Government Open Source Conference to Feature Open Document Debate


This year's Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON) to be held Oct. 15-16 in Portland, Ore., will close with panelists from Microsoft, Sun, IBM and the OpenDocument Foundation weighing in on Open Document Formats.

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Jimbob's picture
Created by Jimbob 16 years 47 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 47 weeks ago
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West Australian Councils Go Virtual With Linux, Xen


Three local government shires in Western Australia have adopted the open source Xen virtualization technology to virtualize Windows servers on Linux hosts and reduce its need for physical machines.

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dave's picture
Created by dave 16 years 47 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 47 weeks ago
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LATU Uruguay Buying 100,000 OLPC XO's Over Classmate PC!!


LATU Uruguay, the government entity testing both Intel's Classmate PC and One Laptop Per Child's XO computer has rated the XO-1 the better option for the children of Uruguay's Florida province, 56.84 points to 53.06 points.

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Jimbob's picture
Created by Jimbob 16 years 47 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 47 weeks ago
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Russian public agencies choose Mandriva


Mandriva today announced that the Federal Service on Technical and Export Control (FSTEC) in Russia has agreed to authorise the certification of the Mandriva Linux OS for all safe and legal use in organizations dealing with confidential information. The certification process will be finished in 3 to 6 months.

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C733tus's picture
Created by C733tus 16 years 47 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 47 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Swedish police save the equivalent of 400 new police cars by switching to MySQL


[Swedish] government officials project IT savings amounting to 50 percent within the next five years – approximately the cost of 400 fully-equipped police cars

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dave's picture
Created by dave 16 years 47 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 47 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Brazil's minister of culture calls for free digital society


"Free culture advocate and Brazilian Minister Gilberto Gil said that digital technology offers a rare opportunity to bring knowledge to under-privileged people around the world and to include them in the political process..."

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 16 years 48 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 48 weeks ago
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Dissidents Leap Myanmar's Firewall With Open Source


Cutting-edge technology -- much of it operated by amateurs -- has played a remarkably powerful role in documenting the bloodshed in Myanmar and helping to spark a global outcry. Video clips of the country's biggest political protests in nearly two decades, surreptitiously filmed and filed via the Internet, have made their way onto sites like YouTube.

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snotbutter's picture
Created by snotbutter 16 years 48 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 48 weeks ago
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Cuba's Move Toward Freedom, as in Software


In May 2005, the head of the Office for Computerizing Cuban Society, Roberto del Puerto, announced that the government was preparing for its central administration offices to switch to the free GNU/Linux system, which uses the Linux kernel written by Linus Torvalds of Finland in 1991. A national group was formed for this purpose.

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Jimbob's picture
Created by Jimbob 16 years 48 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 48 weeks ago
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US Department of Energy Installing Redhat Linux


The Department of Energy has awarded a $45 million dollar contract to DLT Solutions from Herndon VA to provide the agency with Linux information systems.

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Jimbob's picture
Created by Jimbob 16 years 48 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 48 weeks ago
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FOSS Bridge pairs companies in EU and Vietnam


Free and open source software (FOSS) is well-known for promoting new development methods. Now, a European nonprofit organization known as FOSS Bridge hopes that FOSS can be equally innovative in promoting cooperation between companies and in fostering investment in developing nations.

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greengrass's picture
Created by greengrass 16 years 49 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 48 weeks ago
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Bhutan Government comes back for a second taste of Linux


The Bhutan government liked its first taste of Linux so much that it has come back for seconds, releasing an updated version of its Debian-based operating system that it launched last year.

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bluecheese's picture
Created by bluecheese 16 years 49 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 49 weeks ago
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Mandriva signs FOSS deal with Angola


Mandriva Linux today announced a deal with the National Commission for Information Technology (CNTI) in Angola to provide technology solutions, training and consulting services in the African country.

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Jimbob's picture
Created by Jimbob 16 years 50 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

All Macedonian students to use Linux desktops


The One Laptop per Child's XO, better known as the $100 laptop, gets most of the headlines but NComputing is showing in Macedonia, with its Ubuntu Linux based servers and virtual PC terminals, that there's more than one way to get inexpensive Linux desktops into students' hands.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 50 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Russian GNU/Linux-based OS to be installed in every school


Russian OS is to be installed on every school computer in Russia by 2009. Furthermore, every pupil will get the opportunity to operate the applied software produced in Russia, Leonid Reiman, acting Minister of Communication stated at a press conference. Experts and market participants consider the terms within which software is to be developed quite reasonable. According to Mr.

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bluecheese's picture
Created by bluecheese 16 years 50 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Free software made mandatory: IT practicals of SSLC Exam


The Director of Public Instruction (DPI) has issued orders making free software compulsory. It says Linux Operating System should be used for IT education in eighth, ninth and tenth standards (grades).

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bridget's picture
Created by bridget 16 years 50 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 50 weeks ago
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