Speak out against ACTA


"ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, is a proposed enforcement treaty between United States, the European Community, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand and Mexico, with Canada set to join any day now..."

* http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/acta [...]

Take action! ..."

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 16 years 10 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 10 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

FSF India sends letter to Education Minister of Kerela


This letter was sent to the Minister of education to point out aberrations between its stated policy and implementation in the e-governance initiatives of the education department.

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freedom.fighter1988's picture
Created by freedom.fighter1988 16 years 10 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 10 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Espousal of ODF by the Department of IT GoNCT Delhi


a case study done by Prof. Rajanish Dass of IIM A on the
Espousal of ODF by the Dept. of IT, Delhi. It talks about the decision of DoIT to move to OpenOffice from a popular proprietory software and its implications.

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pravi's picture
Created by pravi 16 years 11 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 11 weeks ago
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Why BBC is Microsoft Media (Video)


Watch the BBC getting grilled at the Parliament over its blind servitude to Microsoft, which it simply cannot defend.

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 16 years 12 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 12 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Bet on the future


"Jalapa is a municipality in the Nueva Segovia Department of Nicaragua, which is located on the border of Honduras.[...]Today, the local government of Jalapa is making a strong bet on the future, migrating their workstations and servers to Free and Open Source Software, specifically Ubuntu Linux."

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cpoliticas's picture
Created by cpoliticas 16 years 13 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 13 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

ISO puts standard for Microsoft's OOXML document formats on hold


As the ISO announced, the planned ISO/IEC DIS 29500 cannot be published until these complaints have been heard. Procedure requires that they be dealt with by the end of June, when the ISO and IEC have to hand over their comments on the complaints to two management committees for a final decision.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 16 years 14 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 14 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Big Brother: Sarkozy calls for it, his government does it.


"La Quadrature du Net (Squaring the Net) has seen the draft "Trust Online” Charter (FR) that the Ministry of the Interior is asking ISPs to sign by June 10th. The text confirms La Quadrature’s worst fears. Under the pretext of protecting users, the French government is attempting to put in place an all-encompassing Internet monitoring and filtering system.

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 16 years 14 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 14 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

RMS attacks Oyster's 'unethical' use of GNU systems & Free Software


RMS: «The GNU system (often called "Linux") has been developed, since 1984, for the sake of computer users' freedom. Ironically it is now the basis for a system designed to smother the freedom of the people of London, through online payments to Oyster cards. [...]»

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Plone: Official launch of PloneGov in Italy


The Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara, the first PloneGov Italian member, invites 100 representatives from the public sector and open source experts to participate to the official launch of PloneGov in Italy on September 16, 2008.

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serdar's picture
Created by serdar 16 years 14 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 14 weeks ago
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Vienna hobbles open-source migration


In a setback for the City of Vienna's three-year-old open-source migration programme, city authorities decided on Wednesday to scrap most of the systems that have so far adopted the city's custom-built Linux distribution, instead approving an €8m migration to Windows Vista.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 16 years 14 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 14 weeks ago
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UK Prime Minister’s Office Accepts Petition to Adopt the Hague Declaration


British citizens can now sign a petition that supports ODF adoption in the country

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 16 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 15 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Munich Makes Good


Remember Munich, and its city council's 2003 decision to rip out Microsoft Windows and Office, and to replace them with free software? It was a seminal moment for open source, when Microsoft brought its heaviest guns to bear – in the shape of Steve Ballmer, no less, who made the city an offer it couldn't refuse – and failed

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 15 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Finally, My open letter on OOXML happenings in India


With reference to the recent happenings in connection with the ISO standardization process of OOXML, actions by or on behalf of Microsoft have caused me deep pain and hurt. Apart from the personal anguish, these actions have tarnished the name of my Institute along with that of several other organizations represented on our committee.

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pravi's picture
Created by pravi 16 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 15 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Russian Post migrates to Linux for losses


The Russian Post has started testing the free software to be used in ordinary post offices. Cutting costs for software is one of the main reasons to migrate to Linux. No details are reported. However, according to some sources, the Russian Post might prefer Red Hat.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 16 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 16 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Moscow regional government to migrate to Open Source desktop


The Moscow regional administration will test usefulness of an Open Source desktop by migrating several hundreds of desktop PCs to Mandriva GNU/Linux and by installing OpenOffice on a thousand others.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 16 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 16 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

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