Microsoft Only Gave 14,010 Lines of Code


14,010 lines of actual Linux code, not 20,000 as Microsoft claimed

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft Blames Open Source for Sales Slump


Microsoft’s Q4 report to the U.S. SEC includes a rundown of their risk and competition factors, and on that list are both Linux and open source solutions.

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gooogle's picture
Created by gooogle 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft .NET Tries to Piggyback OLPC, Novell Helps the Same Cause


Microsoft drone Syncfusion uses "donation" to spread .NET

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft under threat from Linux - it's official


Microsoft has warned investors about new threats to its precious client-side tech ecosystem, by listing Linux vendors Canonical and Red Hat as rivals in its annual Form 10-K filing. The software giant also acknowledged Apple’s impressive market share grab in the US, where it now commands fourth place for total shipments.

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mmclarkson's picture
Created by mmclarkson 15 years 5 weeks ago
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Apple Still Abuses Linux-based Phones, Formal Complaint Filed


Apple bites Palm in order to guard its territory rather than compete fairly

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

MS Should be Reported to the Advertising Standards Authority or the Equivalent


The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the likes of it may wish to hear about Microsoft's practices in regard to "TCO", benchmark frauds, and fake OEM "Recommendations"

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Microsoft admits the obvious but not the truth


In its latest 10-K report Microsoft admits what we already knew. Open source has run away with its lunch money.

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LinuxPwns's picture
Created by LinuxPwns 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft Confirms Existence of Anti-GNU/Linux Teams


Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer on the "tremendous progress [...] made by the teams on open source and going against Linux"

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Sun’s Chief OSS Officer: MS’s Linux Code Apparently About Avoidance of a GPL Lawsuit


Microsoft's true attitude towards the GPL is still obvious to many

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

How GNU/Linux Devoured Microsoft’s Business Model


Another look back at Microsoft's foresight regarding risk and this risk truly materialising

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft Web Search and Web Browser Shunned


Microsoft is taking a dump on the Internet and not everyone is willing to take it anymore

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft Keeps Running from the Law… and from Tax


The company behind "Windows tax" is not interested in paying income tax

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

ISO Finds a Home at Microsoft, Hostility Towards ODF Made Subtle


More of the incestuous relationship between ISO, Microsoft, and SC34; new Microsoft tricks in the EU

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

A Look at the Microsoft-funded SCO Lawsuit in Light of Newer Anti-Linux Microsoft Lawsuits


As the SCO lawsuit falls deeper into oblivion, it is worth relating this to existing new lawsuits (TomTom and Melco, both settled)

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Is Adobe the next (pre-2002) Microsoft?


In 2002, that would have been Windows. Today, it's likely to be Adobe Reader or Flash Player, whose share of vulnerabilities and exploits are on the rise while Microsoft's is falling.

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keyboardninja's picture
Created by keyboardninja 15 years 5 weeks ago
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