Patent Problems: Google Unresolved, Bilski Resolved, EPO to be Resolved?


Google's policy on patents remains troublesome; Bilski and EPO roundup

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
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“I’ve Heard Creditable Reports of Microsoft Offering XP at No Cost to OEMs”


Mark Shuttleworth claims that Microsoft may be giving Windows away to fight GNU/Linux (on sub-notebooks)

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
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Eye on Microsoft: Foggy Clouds, Counterfeiting, and Security Problems


Microsoft's problem with competition on the cloud, zero cost at China, and botnets

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft slugs aged care centres


MICROSOFT will rip an estimated $70 million out of the aged care sector's IT budget over the next 18 months as it forces users to pay full commercial rates for previously discounted software.

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
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The One Thing That Novell’s Go-OO Gets Right


The Novell-developed Go-OO removes DRM code from OpenOffice.org

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
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What the Bilski Ruling Might Mean to Software Patents, Microsoft


An assorted set of analyses of the state of software patents in the United States

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
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Does OpenSUSE Board Member Shelter Microsoft’s Patents?


Questions about Novell's (and OpenSUSE's) attitude towards software patents

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Time for IBM to Take the Lead a ‘Pull a re Bilski’ on Software Patents


IBM responds to the ruling, but doesn't go far enough

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
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Microsoft Lobbyist Jonathan Zuck Infiltrates EU Summit on Intellectual Monopolies


Even European events are being 'tainted' by Microsoft cronies that present and moderate sessions

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

The Windows 7 GUI from a Linux user's perspective


The only significant feature Linux doesn't already include natively in its many free versions is multi-touch. But will these nifty new Windows 7 features be enough to keep Microsoft's user base happy? Or is it finally time for a change?

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Linux Continues to Define the Future of Computing While Microsoft Follows


It is hard for the executive director of the Linux Foundation to feel bad for Microsoft, but they are having a bad week while Linux continues to move forward in innovative ways into new markets for computing. Let’s take a look at the difference between Microsoft and Linux this week:

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

First They Ignore… Then They Dump… Then They ‘Bribe’


Microsoft makes a deal with Korean officials, encouraging lock-in

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Xandros, Brought to You by Microsoft Show


Xandros and Microsoft get closer not just in the technical sense

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Is Yahoo Becoming Microsoft from the Inside?


Yahoo! is hiring Microsoft employees to join its top ranks; Google negotiations carry on nonetheless

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
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Net Neutrality Mischiefs?


Telstra, Australia's largest ISP, joins Microsoft and history serves as a warning

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Created by komrad 15 years 50 weeks ago
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