Google is Still Crushing Microsoft, Sometimes with GNU and Linux


Google is throwing many chairs at Microsoft these days, metaphorically speaking; this is a roundup of some news on the subject

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 37 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Companies That Signed Anti-Linux Patent and FUD Deals with Microsoft Also Violate the GPL


SFLC/BusyBox happen to punish some companies worthy of punishment not just for GPL violations

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 37 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Recent Attacks on GNU and Richard Stallman Based on Distortions, Lies


"Much ado about nothing" sums up the recent attacks on the role of GNU inside GNOME; clarifications are hereby presented

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 37 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Erwin Tenhumberg Can Convince SAP to Stop Attacking Sun and Free Software


Erwin's belief system dances along with the paymaster, but surely he can do better than that

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

“GPL is Scary!! Please Buy Our Products”


OpenLogic attempts to monetise the recent lawsuits over GPL violation, increasing the perceived "threat" in the process

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

New Information About Intel’s Attack on OLPC, Bill Gates Hijacks the Educational Systems


A closer look at Walter Bender's recent public talk and more disenchanting news about the activities of Bill Gates

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

The BBC's digital rights plans will wreak havoc on open source software


Last summer, the BBC tried to sneak "digital rights management" into its high-def digital broadcasts. How can free/open source software co-exist with a plan to put DRM on broadcasts?

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bythicalmeast's picture
Created by bythicalmeast 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

“We Need ACTA to Send Microsoft and Linus to Jail”


Europe is losing its intellectual freedom and sovereignty due to treaties for monopolies, surveillance, and artificial limits on programming

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

“The Moonlight/Mono World Does Not Work That Way Though.”


Microsoft's Novell's Miguel de Icaza does not properly explain that GNU/Linux users need to download proprietary software exclusively from Novell in order to make Silverlight content available

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft loses Word patent appeal


A U.S. federal appeals court has upheld a $290-million US judgment against Microsoft Corp. in a patent case launched by Toronto-based i4i Inc., and issued an injunction that will prevent the sale of its popular Word software.

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paul.g.hunter's picture
Created by paul.g.hunter 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

The Lies About Moonlight Carry on, MSBBC to Block Free Software Users Again


Inaccurate reporting and spinning about Novell's gift to Microsoft; The BBC to prevent Free software users from accessing services they have already paid for

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

What to make of Microsoft's Office patent flop


It seems that Microsoft knew all along that they were going to get hit like a drum by i4i when the Canadian company won its XML patent lawsuit

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the_borg10001101's picture
Created by the_borg10001101 14 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft’s Ally Fortify is Fortifying Fear of Free Software, Just Like OpenLogic and Black Duck


A lot of companies that are connected to Microsoft increase fear of Free software for security and liability

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Groklaw Suspects Microsoft May be Behind Neon’s Attack on GNU/Linux in Mainframes


The everlasting pattern of legal attacks almost convinces Groklaw that Microsoft is driving more lawsuits against GNU/Linux

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Microsoft’s EDGI Still Alive, Under “Linux and Open Office Compete”


Microsoft does not compete but rather it is attempting to simply squash or eliminate known deployments of the competition, as a new job posting confirms

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

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