IBM denies breaking patent pledge


IBM says that they are within their rights to protect their investment in mainframe technology and have not broken their 2005 pledge

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muffinman's picture
Created by muffinman 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Darl Buys SCO's Mobility Assets for $100,000


First word from the bankruptcy hearing today on Darl McBride's offer to buy SCO's mobility assets. Groklaw's UD has this quick report, with more to come later:Just got out of the SCO BK hearing a little bit ago and thought I'd send a quick update for you.

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clandestine's picture
Created by clandestine 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Driving a wedge between IBM and the FOSS community


Just who is driving a wedge between IBM and the FOSS community then? Here's a clue: it's a big wedge and it's blue.

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partytime's picture
Created by partytime 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

IBM Will Never be the Same After Taking Software Patents Out of Its Holster


IBM runs away from bad publicity after making a poor decision and sending a Free software-hostile nastygram

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

IBM’s Open Source Patent Pledge


To get to the bottom of things I contacted Dan Frye, VP of Open Systems Development at IBM and member of the Linux Foundations board of directors, to “say it wasn’t so.” Fortunately all of us can breathe easy - IBM remains true to their word. Here is the note I received from Dan which is very clear...

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werewolf's picture
Created by werewolf 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Another Hearing on Anti-Citizen Tyranny Agreement (ACTA)


The latest video explaining the atrocious situation (no Ogg yet, sorry)

Related post: Anti-Citizen Tyranny Agreement (ACTA) Negotiations Video (Update: Ogg Added)
Credit: André Rebentisch

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Linux Foundation say "breathe easy" on IBM patents


The Linux Foundation say "breathe easy" over the Hercules/IBM patent dispute and IBM's patent pledge, but others disagree

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kalinos's picture
Created by kalinos 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Gene patenting and free software: a breakthrough


Last week, to the surprise of patent lawyers and the biotechnology industry, advocates for technological freedom won an enormous victory against socially harmful distortions of patent law.

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lando's picture
Created by lando 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Is IBM splitting hairs


I was pretty happy in 2005 when IBM, in an obvious PR stunt to get buddy-buddy with the open source community, made its Statement of Non-Assertion of Named Patents Against OSS, ostensibly saying that it would permit open source projects to use any of the items covered by those patents without risk of penalty or lawsuit. Yay! Finally, a BigCo getting it and doing the right thing!

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animal's picture
Created by animal 14 years 23 weeks ago
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Get Off IBM's Back Already!


Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols explains why he thinks the recent attacks on IBM patent use by some in the open-source community are way out of line.

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Ipela's picture
Created by Ipela 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Response to Software Exception in Patent Bill


Law firms that supported continued software patents have published critiques of the arguments put forward by those who opposed software patents and asked for an exclusion to be added to the Patent Bill. In this article Peter Harrison, vice President of the NZOSS responds.

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Formaxx's picture
Created by Formaxx 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

IBM vs. TurboHercules: Our story thus far...


Earlier this week it was made public that IBM had levied patent infringement allegations against French company TurboHercules and its mainframe emulator. A letter signed by IBM VP and technology officer Mark S. Anzani and addressed to TurboHercules co-founder Roger Bowler detailed the more than 170 patents the company allegedly infringed upon.

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itsrocking's picture
Created by itsrocking 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Copyright and wrong


Parliament had given them rights, but it had set a time limit on them: 21 years for books already in print and 14 years for new ones, with an additional 14 years if the author was still alive when the first term ran out. After that, the material would enter the public domain so that anyone could reproduce it.

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partytime's picture
Created by partytime 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Comment: Patent MADness


Patents could lead to the mutually assured destruction of the software industry and the parading of pledged patents in the opening of a dispute between IBM and TurboHercules threatens to upset the only progress towards a safer world for open source

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partytime's picture
Created by partytime 14 years 23 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Digging a Little Deeper into TurboHercules/IBM - OpenMainframe.org and Microsoft


When IBM said that TurboHercules was a member of organizations Microsoft is a member of, it was particularly talking about OpenMainframe.org. It's an organization that seems dedicated to attacking IBM's mainframe business. It describes its purpose like this...

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kalinos's picture
Created by kalinos 14 years 22 weeks ago
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