Novell Anticipates Objections to SCO's Experts' Testimonies - The TK-7 Case


Novell anticipates certain questions SCO is likely to ask two of its experts, and rather than having long sidebars, which the judge has already said he doesn't like, they have filed objections they figure they'll be raising, along with a new case that supports their position, TK-7 Corp. v. Estate of Barbouti. This way things can be hashed out in advance.

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kbcornwell's picture
Created by kbcornwell 14 years 26 weeks ago
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SCO's Motion to Allow Testimony


Yesterday, there was a sidebar discussion about allowing in material regarding why customers chose not to sign up for SCOsource. The judge found a case that he thought was definitive, so it was not allowed in. Today, SCO has filed a motion to allow the testimony that the judge ruled inadmissible, and there is also a letter from Brent Hatch, with the testimony SCO wishes to show the jury attached.

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gooogle's picture
Created by gooogle 14 years 26 weeks ago
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Week 2, Day 9 of SCO v. Novell Trial - Jury Hears About Kimball's Rulings


Chris Brown's first report of the day is in, filed by phone during an extended break in the court session. The jury got to hear today about Judge Dale Kimball's earlier court rulings. We have all the important rulings in a new, special section on Groklaw's Novell Timeline page, so you can follow along.

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john.brubrick's picture
Created by john.brubrick 14 years 26 weeks ago
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The Tortoise and the Hare


The paper explains how computer software is protected and the relationship between open source software and copyright.

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the_borg10001101's picture
Created by the_borg10001101 14 years 26 weeks ago
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Making a copyright system that works


Here's a synthesis of a few prominent ideas of what real copyright reform might look like.

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Week 2, Day 10 of SCO v. Novell - Chris Stone, O'Gara, Maciaszek, Nagle


Friday at the jury trial of SCO v. Novell, Chris Stone testified, and despite valiant efforts by SCO's Stuart Singer to make the phone call with Maureen O'Gara seem somehow scandalous, he handled himself professionally and apparently made the her allegations look inacccurate at best. He testified that he didn't tell her Novell was issuing a press release. She already knew.

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helix's picture
Created by helix 14 years 26 weeks ago
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SCO vs. Linux: The jury has been informed


The second week in the trial between the SCO Group and Novell about the copyright to Unix has uncovered further surprising details of this never-ending story

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Harry Jensen's picture
Created by Harry Jensen 14 years 26 weeks ago
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APA's "Included Assets" Did Not List SVR4.2 - Research Project


A reader asks a question I can't answer, but maybe some of you can. In reading the APA [PDF], he noticed something odd. The schedule of "included assets", Schedule 1.1(a), doesn't include UNIX SVR4.2. Can you take a look with me? I'll show you what I've found so far.

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penguinista's picture
Created by penguinista 14 years 26 weeks ago
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Week 3, Day 11 SCO v. Novell - SCO Rests, Novell Begins with LaSala


Today, SCO rested its case, such as it is. I can't believe they were eager to go to court with just this. I haven't seen any evidence that they own the copyrights. Just memories through the mists of time that some folks thought they were supposed to get them.

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australianrose's picture
Created by australianrose 14 years 25 weeks ago
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Andrew Tridgell: How to Read and Avoid a Patent


Andrew Tridgell discusses why reading patents is usually a good idea, how to read a patent, and how to build a solid defence. Tridgell also suggests how free software could scare off patent holders.

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FFlover's picture
Created by FFlover 14 years 25 weeks ago
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Week 3, Day 12 in SCO v. Novell - Tolonen, Amadia


First on the stand yesterday in SCO v. Novell was James Tolonen, who you may recall was Novell's CFO from 1989 to 1998 and was the chief business executive who provided direction for the APA and Amendment 2.

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bolony_and_cheese's picture
Created by bolony_and_cheese 14 years 25 weeks ago
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The Parties Tweak the Jury Instructions in SCO v. Novell


On March 22, Judge Ted Stewart, presiding over the SCO v. Novell jury trial, gave the parties a final set of jury instructions, asking for their feedback. The parties have done so, each suggesting tweaks to the wording.

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animal's picture
Created by animal 14 years 25 weeks ago
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Week 3, Day 13 in SCO v. Novell - Jones, Messman, DeFazio


Today at the SCO v. Novell trial, Novell called Gregory Jones, and then SCO called Jack Messman as a hostile witness. His deposition was played in part earlier, but this was Mr. Messman testifying live. Finally the Michael DeFazio deposition video was played. Only two more days, and then it goes to the jury.

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animal's picture
Created by animal 14 years 25 weeks ago
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Why I Am Against Software Patents


The surprise to most people isn’t that I do not believe that software should be patentable. Given my long term interest in and coverage of free and open source software, I’m supposed to be at least mildly anti-establishment. It is also statistically unlikely that I would be in favor of patents, because industry sentiment is overwhelmingly against them at the present time.

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prakash's picture
Created by prakash 14 years 25 weeks ago
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Novell Files Motion for Judgment and Motion to Strike


Novell has filed two motions today, one for a judgment on SCO's slander of title claim -- the promised Rule 50(a) motion -- and one to strike testimony inconsistent with the unambiguous contract language. ...

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a known eMouse's picture
Created by a known eMouse 14 years 25 weeks ago
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