SCO's Bankruptcy Lawyers, Pachulski Stang: We'd Like to Be Paid


Is there any way today could be any busier? Now, on top of the filings and rulings and the hearing today in the SCO v. Novell litigation, there were also some filings in SCO's bankruptcy in Delaware. Judge Gross did as SCO's trustee asked and reset the deadline for objections to the Yarro loan offer to February 26. Remember that ring around the rosie?

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StayPuff's picture
Created by StayPuff 14 years 29 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO Proposes Selling its Mobility "Business"... to Darl McBride


SCO's Chapter 11 Trustee Edward Cahn not only proposes to let Ralph Yarro "loan" some money to the company at what Novell calls egregiously inequitable terms -- inequitable to everyone but Ralph Yarro and the gang, that is -- but now he proposes to sell SCO's "mobility business", which not long ago SCO said was worth millions, if I recall correctly...

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freda's picture
Created by freda 14 years 29 weeks ago
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Symbian’s Mobile Operating System Now Officially Open Source


Following their announcement back on the 4th of February, 2010… Symbian has released the first fully open source version of their mobile operating system, the Symbian^3 (S^3) platform.

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snuffbox's picture
Created by snuffbox 14 years 29 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:



I recently had to sign a "Non-Disclosure Agreement" (NDA) for the first time in a long while, and I thought I would write about how an NDA might or might not fit in with Free and Open Source Software.

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animal's picture
Created by animal 14 years 29 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Anarchy in the EULA


I've been an avid Linux user for quite some time. In all that time, I have toyed with making my own distribution, and for me there were many problems. One of those problems was honestly wanting to maintain ownership and control of my code. I felt it would be bad policy to release an OpenSource system that contained a large amount of proprietary code... even if the software remained kostenlos.

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ford prefect's picture
Created by ford prefect 14 years 29 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Dual of denial – on the success and failure of dual licensing


There’s been a fair amount of attention – both positive and negative – on dual licensing in recent weeks. A few days ago Brian Aker wrote: “The fact is, there are few, and growing fewer, opportunities to make money on dual licensing.”

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myspace1999's picture
Created by myspace1999 14 years 29 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Petrofsky's Objection to SCO's Yarro "Loan" Motion


Novell objected vigorously to SCO's Motion for PostPetition Financing, the proposed Ralph Yarro "loan" to SCO which also involves granting "security interests and superpriority administrative expense status", and now there's a second objection, from Al Petrofsky.

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natural83's picture
Created by natural83 14 years 29 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Novell's Trial Brief, Jury Instructions, and Objections to SCO's Rule 26(a)(3) Pretrial Disclosures


Novell's trial brief and proposed jury instructions have been filed in SCO v. Novell. Of course, the parties were asked to try to file the latter jointly, and they have done so a little bit on two instructions, but on others, they couldn't agree so they tell the court they will file separately the rest of the proposed jury instructions. Novell has done so.

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webspider's picture
Created by webspider 14 years 28 weeks ago
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Apple sues HTC for patent infringements in Android phones


Apple has taken legal action against HTC claiming that the maker of phones using the open source Android operating system is infringing patents owned by Apple

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lando's picture
Created by lando 14 years 28 weeks ago
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Stewart Rules on Daubert Motions: SCO's Experts Can Testify


Judge Ted Stewart has denied all three Novell motions for Daubert hearings. In essence, he says, let the jury decide. Novell can cross-examine them to highlight any flaws.

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junkboxer's picture
Created by junkboxer 14 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Unintended Consequences: Twelve Years Under the DMCA


Twelve years after the passage of the controversial Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the law continues to stymie fair use, free speech, scientific research, and legitimate competition.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 14 years 28 weeks ago
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More Pretrial Briefs in SCO v. Novell


Both SCO and Novell have begun to file their additional pretrial briefs, stemming from the discussion at the most recent hearing. Novell has filed a Request for Judicial Notice of Prior Factual Findings and the parties jointly submit a Submission Addressing Allocation of Issues for Bench and Jury Trial. SCO has filed a Brief Regarding Issues to be Tried in Equity by the Court.

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muffinman's picture
Created by muffinman 14 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Changes and Additional Documents to the Yarro Deal Filed


There are more filings in the bankruptcy, related to the proposed Yarro deal, and because that hearing is coming up soon, on Friday, I'm posting them quickly, before even reading them myself. Specifically, there are proposed changes to the deal, so take a look.

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brian1977's picture
Created by brian1977 14 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Linux Australia Funds Important Legal Research on Free Software Compliance


Over the past twelve months or so I've noticed an upswing in enquiries about free software compliance. For example, someone might be seeking access to source code for embedded devices with Linux and/or Busybox on them.

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helix's picture
Created by helix 14 years 28 weeks ago
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Yarro Deal Approved


Believe it or not, here's our first report from today's bankruptcy hearing:The bottom line is that Judge Gross found that the terms of the proposed loan are "fair, reasonable & adequate." He then signed the order. SCO plans to close on the deal on Monday

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dogbiter's picture
Created by dogbiter 14 years 28 weeks ago
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