Alfresco to drop GPL, goes LGPL


Alfresco has announced that it is changing the licensing of the community edition of its enterprise content management system from GPL to LGPL. The move was announced by the company's CEO, John Newton, in a posting on his blog.

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dieGWB's picture
Created by dieGWB 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

International Free and Open Source Software Law Review Publishes Second Issue


The second issue of the International Free and Open Source Software Law Review has just been published online. It contains new articles from FOSS legal experts like Karen F. Copenhaver (Linux Foundation), Tiki Dare (Sun) and Harvey Anderson (Mozilla). The press release contains endorsements by William Patry, Senior Copyright Counsel, Google and Eben Moglen, Software Freedom Law Centre.

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kaeser's picture
Created by kaeser 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

As the GPL fades …


We’re continuing to see signs that the dominant GPL open source license may be fading from favor among commercial open source software players. The latest move away from the GPL comes from content management software vendor Alfresco, which is moving to the LGPL after originally releasing its code under the GPL three years ago.

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fsq1984's picture
Created by fsq1984 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Judge Stewart Rules on Novell's Motions: No and Mostly No


Well, here we go. The new judge in the redo of SCO v. Novell has issued his decision on the two Novell summary judgment motions, and I've only skimmed them, but it looks like if it's Novell, he says mostly no and if it favors SCO he says yes, which is what I expected. That means the hearing set for February 4 has been cancelled. No oral argument. Weird.

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lando's picture
Created by lando 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Canonical copyright assignment policy 'same as others'


Canonical chief executive Mark Shuttleworth has called for an uniform copyright assignment policy for contributors to free and open source software projects.

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lmfao's picture
Created by lmfao 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

German Federal Office of Justice: SCO Breaches Regulations in Germany


Operation of the SCO cowboys continues to be scandal-rich and a large fine is coming

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft on HP and Linux, 2002: oh, noes


I have another Comes v. Microsoft exhibit to share with you, Exhibit 9542 [PDF], a November 22, 2002 email to Jim Allchin and Orlando Ayala from Mike Oldham. It has to do with a planned meeting on the 25th between the two companies, on their "Better Together" theme. I think it will explain some things we've sometimes wondered about. One thing is clear.

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chen2007's picture
Created by chen2007 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

gstreamer decoders (HTML5 video and H.264 patents)


I read through the FAQ and can't find out if Free and Open Source
developers and products need to license the MPEG-LA patents for
MPEG-4 Visual.

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beckham's picture
Created by beckham 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Is Android really open? Really?


I’m not Android-bashing here by any means. I regularly use Google Wave and have a Gmail account. But I’m hesitant to turn over all of my personal data — specifically my address book and appointments — to Google.
Why? I'll tell you why...

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davelong's picture
Created by davelong 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

FSF files new objection to amended Google Book Search settlement


The Free Software Foundation (FSF) filed another objection in court to the proposed amended Google Book Search settlement (The Authors Guild, Inc., et al. v. Google Inc.). The objection notes that proposed amendments which discuss works under free licenses unfairly burden their authors with ensuring license compliance, and urges the court to reject the proposed settlement.

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stevenkirkby's picture
Created by stevenkirkby 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO and Novell File Proposed Witness Lists. Again.


The parties have filed their proposed witness lists in SCO v. Novell, so this is who you'll probably see testifying, either in person or by deposition, as well as the exhibits the parties expect they will use at trial in March...

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linuxlooooser's picture
Created by linuxlooooser 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Deluded by Italian Open Legislation initiative


Italian law proposal to defend Net Neutrality and promote Free Software has a hole that would make impossible for Public Administrations and Universities to get rid of proprietary file formats and software, even if they wanted to do it

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freda's picture
Created by freda 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

IFOSSLR Open Source Law Review in Second Issue


The open source legal profession has established the International Free and Open Source Software Law Review (IFOSSLR) to discuss topics including copyrights, licensing, software patents, open standards, case law and statutes in the open source arena. The IFOSSLR now appears in its second issue.

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LCA: Cooperative management of package copyright and licensing data


Kate Stewart is the manager of the PowerPC team at Freescale. As such, she has a basic customer service problem to solve: people who buy a board from Freescale would like to have some sort of operating system to run on it. That system, of course, will be Linux; satisfying this requirement means that Freescale must operate as a sort of Linux distributor.

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Rimodoc's picture
Created by Rimodoc 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Two More Bills From Pachulski Stang - Still no MORs


Yes, the flow of money out of SCO never ends, it seems, and so Pachulski Stang has filed a couple of more bills in the SCO bankruptcy. At some point it has to end for them. They withdrew from the case back in November on the 16th, and here we are in February, and they are filing bills for September and November, but not October. That must still be on its way. That alone seems odd.

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stripcut's picture
Created by stripcut 14 years 31 weeks ago
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