Jeff Haynie reached a crossroads last summer. Haynie, CEO of Appcelerator, a firm that develops open source cross-platform application development software, made a decision filled with implications for his company's future.
Read more »Does GPL still matter?
Microsoft banned from selling Word
This time it's Microsoft's turn to be bashed, but next time it may be an open-source company, or your company. Many big technology companies pay up to patent pirates, and while i4i isn't one of those and Microsoft talks big now, they may well end up paying up. U.S.
Read more »The i4i v. Microsoft Orders and Permanent Injunction
I have the court documents for you in the i4i v. Microsoft case, the judgment, the permanent injunction, and the memorandum and order, which explains the legal reasoning in support of the order.
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A First Look at HTML 5
...the official specification expects HTML 5 to be completely functional and ready by the year 2022 - and no, that wasnt a typo, I did mean 2022
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Patents and Headaches
So, apparently Microsoft isn't allowed to use the docx format. Another company has patent on using XML for documents. Wonderful. I would love to be rejoicing in Microsoft's ailings... but I'm not. That's a friggin' rediculous patent.
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Oh My Word - How Patently Stupid
The fact that it is plainly an absurd patent that should never have been granted, and one, moreover, that (one hopes) would not be granted in the EU, doesn't really change anything: it now exists as a vague threat that Microsoft can invoke whenever it needs to.
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Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose?
What do all these licenses do for you? That's the 64 license question. Today I'm pondering if the current open source model is still valid or if it's outdated. Do we need licensing for open source software? Do we need the GPL, LGPL, APL and all the other licenses that, grace us? If your software is free and open source, why bother with a license at all?
Read more »Yes, Open Source Licenses DO have a purpose!
I’ve been reading a lot of articles this weekend. I stumbled upon one called “Do Open Source Licenses Have a Purpose?” which is to be honest a rhetorical question. Ken Hess on Daniweb actually suggests we should throw away our 64 different license CHOICES and just give away our code public domain.
Read more »Rohde vs Viasat on GPL/LGPL (Viasat GPL violation)
I detailed some of my findings on the internet...They decided to put two security investigators on the case and they paid me a visit.
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Sony to back open e-book format
The electronics giant said it would stop using a proprietary standard in favour of the ePub open format.
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Reminder of What Microsoft Did in Denmark and What It’s Up to Now
THERE seems to be some revisionist forgetfulness over in Denmark, which neglects to account for the OOXML fiasco
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PySide Brings LGPL Qt to Python
The PySide team is pleased to announce the first public release of PySide: Python for Qt. PySide is a project providing an LGPL'd set of Python bindings for the Qt framework.
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Microsoft's Emergency Motion for a Stay Repeats Arguments Already Rejected by District Court
In Microsoft's Emergency Motion for a Stay of Injunction [PDF], it argues that it would be irreparably harmed without a stay, that it's in the public interest to avoid disruption to its business and its partners' businesses, and that while they expect to win on appeal, they'd then would be out all the expense of implementing the injunction.
Read more »Fraunhofer Institute on OOXML und ODF
The Fraunhofer Institute has published a whitepaper on the interoperability of Office Open XML (OOXML) and the Open Document Format (ODF). Microsoft had a hand in its development.
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Licenses, Libraries, Laws and Loopholes
What's the point of GPLv2 libraries? What's the purpose of libraries associated with licenses anyway? Do they provide useful guidance or impose annoying restrictions? Who wants to puzzle out the legalese of licenses and their appurtenances when working with code and systems that are supposed to be open?
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